[Opinions] Gisèle
Do you like Gisèle? For some reason I much prefer this spelling over Giselle. Do you have a big problem with its meaning?
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Hi Perrine !!!I prefer Gisèle too! I like the operatic vibe! The meaning is not so good: I prefer Geneviève and Guenièvre. But Gisèle is a lovely, elegant name anyway.

This message was edited 1/29/2019, 2:21 AM

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The meaning that I associate with it is the heroine of the ballet: the power of love to affirm life. Anyway, in ancient Rome children (one's own, beloved children) were often referred to as hostages, meaning hostages to fortune: they might be lucky, or the Fates might kill them off. Which is true to this day, actually.
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I like it and it is on my long list. I prefer this spelling.
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I think any name with the first syllable “jizz” has problems.
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The meaning doesn't bother me, but I don't like the way it sounds at all. The Giselle spelling looks a bit more elegant to me. But it's not my cup of tea.
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