[Opinions] Flora
Hi !!!I love Flora! It is so simple, aristocratic, obviously floral!But what I want to ask you: Has it a Scottish vibe? I read it in the description...WDYTO it?Personal Name Lists https://www.behindthename.com/pnl/125456
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Flora is sweet and simple. It sounds like a good fairy from an old fable. It sounds more English than Scottish to me. There are Scottish people with this name, but it isn't particularly popular there. The biggest associations are with flowering plants and the Roman goddess.
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Well, Flora Macdonald was as Scottish as possible! Not sure about present-day Scotland. And, sadly, my first thought is of margarine.
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I like Flora. It’s pretty, floral, short without smacking you in the face with its frilly sweetness. I like that it was a Roman goddess’ name.It does have a Scottish vibe to it but not because it’s a Scottish name, but because of Flora MacDonald. I’d totally name twins Fiona and Flora.
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I love Flora! I don’t get a Scottish vibe from it at all. It always feels very Italian to me (Florence, Italy).
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