[Opinions] Stanford
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I agree with everything that has been said. It also sounds like a billionaire businessman or a corrupt politician.
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Too much like the university for me.
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I don't mind stuffy surnames as first names on boys in general, but I don't like the "Stan" syllable in Stanford. (I don't like Stanley, either.) It makes me think of over-cooked tasteless boiled potatoes. LOL random.
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Where I now live, it's the little country town next door - pretty, rural, lots of wine farms and artisan cheese-makers etc, but it isn't a place I've ever warmed up to: the residents pride themselves on their exclusivity and look with icy resignation at the visitors who actually keep the place going. So, no!
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I hate Stan and my sister went to the university, so it'd be weird for me to use it.
Other than that, it's very stuffy, and I feel like it could easily have been a vampire minion name on Buffy, along with Dalton.

This message was edited 5/3/2019, 10:32 AM

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Hi !!!Too surnamey, place-name and tied to the university. Sort of WASP-snobbish, upperclass and preppy vibe (e.g. like a possible character in 'Gossip Girl').

Actually the university is the only virtual link with Stanford that I have.If I have to choose a university name Oxford or Harvard would be my choices, but it will never happen.

This message was edited 5/3/2019, 9:42 AM

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Sounds too much like a surname.
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Makes me think of the university right away, and it also feels a bit stuffy. I could picture his brother being Winston and sister Agnes or something like that.Other than that, I do sort of like it. It's better than Stanley.
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