[Opinions] Samantha, Sydney, Shae
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Samantha, even though I'd fear the nickname Sam. I love the full name. Sydney is a boy's name and a surname, and I hate both on girls, and Shae is insubstantial.
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I’m going with Sydney but Samantha isn’t bad either.
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Samantha, because it works well on any age.I'd also consider Shae, but I prefer it on a boy.I've never liked Sydney. Something about the d-n next to each other is such an awkward sound, and the nn Sid/Syd is awful.
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I have a cousin named Samantha, although spelled with a Z. It's never been one of my favorites, but nothing wrong with the name. I like Shae in theory, but don't think I'd feel comfortable using it. Sydney is not one of my favorites either but the one I'd feel most comfortable with. I like Sidney for a boy too, with Sid as a nickname.
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Shae, I've always liked it. I also like the spelling Shay. I think the name is quite pretty.
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Um, Samantha, of course. ;)But honestly, Samantha. I prefer Sydney on a boy and I would be worried that people would misspell Shae.
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If I choose Shae can I spell it Shea? Lol.Samantha will inevitably be shortened to Sam or Sammy, which are both blah. I've never liked Sydney, there's nothing special about it.So I choose Shae (Shea).
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Samantha. I've always like it pretty well. Sydney always sounded sneaky and slithery to me, and Shae is just ... there.
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Hi Billina !!!Samantha* 8/10 I like it and I like both the floral and the witchy vibe.Sydney 7/10 it is nice, bright, friendly and lively for a boy and a girl equally. Unfortunately I have no ties with Australia to choose a place-name like this. But for a character.. of course!Shae 6/10 old-favourite but now I can't see anything special. I used to like because it could be the feminine for both Shea and Shai. But.. it is colourless so I leave it in the past.
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Samantha is the best
Shaw is the wort.
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