[Opinions] Cain, Cary, Christian
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Christian all the way. One of my top favourites. Cary has a certain charm but isn't really my style, and Cain's associations are just awful.
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Christian - it just has a nice sound and I’ve always liked itI like Cain but spelled Kane, wouldn’t use it though.
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Cain is my choice. It;s one of a few monosyllabic names I do like.
Christian is too often mispronounced Chris-chin.
Cary is another word for tooth cavity.
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Christian. I actually like the name, and although Chris is boring, it’s a nice nickname.
Cary is girly, having a female cousin named Carey growing up.
Cain just reminds me of Cain and Abel, who killed his brother. Not a pleasant association.
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Definitely Christian. Love it!
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I don't at all mind the biblical connection with Cain, and as a name I prefer it to Abel, but I wouldn't use it because there are so many names I like better. Of which Cary is not one! It's a ln that sounds like a nn, and I will have none of it.So, not having a religious bone in my body, can I give Christian my seal of approval? Well, yes actually: two of my great-grandmothers were named Christiana! And Chris is an OK nn. Christian it is.
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Christian, though I don't like the idea of saddling kids with explicitly religious names. I just don't like the sound of Cary, despite the lovely Cary Grant as a namesake, and Cain is one of those Biblical bad guy characters that you can't really argue a more positive interpretation for.
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It sounds weird, but for some reason, I never found Christian super religious. I mean, obviously it is, but I just never made the connection somehow, despite how obvious it is. I'm very sure of my atheism, but love Christian.
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Wrong place. Sorry!

This message was edited 7/11/2019, 3:29 PM

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Christian, because I dislike it the least and he could always fall back on Chris.Cain doesn't have a pleasant sound or a pleasant story.Cary is okay, but all girl to me.
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Cain - Cain murdering his brother AbelCary - I've encountered multiple women in their thirties named Cary, so it has a dated female feel. Christian - Nice name, but I almost feel that a kid would turnout very non-Christian or people would make assumptions about them.I would choose Christian because I like the sound of it and I don't have a particularly bad association.
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Aaaaaarrgghhh.Cain = Biblical story, Cary = too feminine, Christian = very obvious meaning which doesn't apply to me. If I had to, Cain. I'd fear that a male Cary would be teased and I just can't do Christian, although I don't mind the sound of it. Also I am so tired of the nickname Chris. I don't mind the sound of Cain. I'd just have to get over my irrational fear that Cain as a name is a bad omen.
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Christian Cain sounds agressive and naturally brings to mind things such as a walking cain and novocaine. Plus I think it's better for a dog. Cary sounds much too feminine, which leaves Christian. A name that I am neutral towards.
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I think Cary is a pretty nice name, and on a boy it doesn't actually feel feminine. Probably because of the handsome image of Cary Grant?
Christian is all right too, but I'd rather sidestep the religion angle if I could, and he'd probably be one of many Chrises anyhow.
I don't like Cain at all. Cain killing Abel, walking cane, there's just no appeal.
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