[Opinions] Dove
I've fallen a bit in love with the name Dove, courtesy of actress Dove Cameron
WDYT of it? Combos or potential siblings? I personally like Dove & Weiss for sisters
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I've heard it IRL and liked it. I've read it for a character in a book and liked it. I like peace symbolism and bird names. I think I'd probably like it, if it were my name. Still...I can't imagine myself using it, for basically the same reasons I'd never use Jewel or Pearl - it's not as blatant as Darling or Petal would be, but it sounds almost like an endearment to me.It could also be a NN for Doveva (https://appellationmountain.net/baby-name-of-the-day-doveva/)The only combos that immediately came to mind were Dove Zenobia and Dove Wilhelmina. Siblings...um, I could see...Jewel, Pearl, Patience, Hosanna, Genesis, Liberty, Cherry, Queenie, Lottie, Agatha, Lily, Laurel, Anna, Esme, Mary, Ruby, Prairie, Primrose, Venus, Alouette, Cora, SerenityEmber, Briar, True, Shelley, Wisdom, Forrest, Sage, Joyce, Sparrow, Garnet, Willow, Summer, Dylan, Halcyon, Jay, Page

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This message was edited 9/23/2019, 10:30 PM

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I best enjoy Dove as a middle name and associate it with “peace”, but I don’t mind it as a first. I can’t say Weiss feels to me like a first name for either gender but, the sound made me think of Wylda. Dove and Wylda might be nice as sisters. Playing a bit...Ailsa Dove
Bryony Dove
Catriona Dove
Fiona Dove
Helena Dove
Julia Dove
Lavinia Dove
Leonie Dove
Myrna Dove
Naomi Dove
Philippa Dove
Thaisa DoveDove Alessandra
Dove Helena
Dove Honorine
Dove Ione
Dove Kerensa
Dove Leonie
Dove Margalit
Dove Mariah
Dove Natalia
Dove Ottoline
Dove Timothea
Dove Sibylla
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I can see the appeal. It’s short and sweet and the birds can be a symbol of peace and love, but it has a few strikes against it. It’s a brand name for a couple of different products. Not particularly negative ones (who doesn’t like soap and ice cream bars?) but still.It’s a common homograph, like bow, lead, bass, etc. When people see it in print, there will be confusion over whether you meant the bird or the past tense of “dive”. Normally I’d say common sense should solve that one, but this is the age of people naming their kid Sailor and Stormi and Crew, so who knows?Anybody who has lived in a larger city has probably had to contend with pigeons, which at the end of the day are the same bird. If you haven’t been pooped on you’ve probably had your lunch stolen or hit one on your bike. It’s a lot of bad memories for a lot of people, is all I’m saying.
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I love it, but not in a sib-set
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Hi Higuma Kanora !!!I quite dislike the sound of Dove. It seems...clunky. Plus dove (DAW-veh) means "where" in Italian.I much prefer Colomba or Yemima. Weiss and Dove are ok but in my opinion Weiss is too out there and paired with Dove makes the sibset stretched. Combos...
Dove AleksandraMira Dove
Olga Dove
Zoya DoveThemed-white sibsets:
Dove & Bianca
Dove & Fiona
Dove & Nives
Dove & Luna
Dove & Eirlys
Dove & Gwen
Dove & Olwen
Dove & Blanca
Dove & LivnaOthers
Dove & Aviva
Dove & Nasim
Dove & Ziva
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I don't like it much, it sounds too sweet and powdery, like soap or pralines. It works better as a middle name.Gwendoline Dove
Theodosia Dove
Verity DoveDove & Starling
Dove & Lark
Dove & Fern
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I also like it as a middle, but then I'm afraid it sounds too filler-y, but not as bad as Rose or Mae in terms of filler middle names (in my opinion)
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