[Opinions] Jesse
What do you think of Jesse? Is it dated at all?http://www.behindthename.com/pnl/87410
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Love it, it’s a fave of mine. I think Jesse is a classic boys name, not dated to me at all. It’s one of those names that can just keep going and getting used.
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Nice. It's a bit dated, but it's not like Kevin.
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I think Jesse is handsome. It doesn’t feel dated to me, and I can easily imagine it as any age or as any “type”, such as athlete, bookworm, cowboy, outlaw, scientist, hero, etc. I know a bearer who is a biochemist.
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no I think its lovely
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I think it is a classic. It is a nice, decently common Biblical name for a man.
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it's a nice name, and it will never really be out of style.
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Jesse is nice enough. I like Jess as a nickname. I do know some unsavory personalities who bear the name who give it negative vibes for me.It doesn't feel dated to me.
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No... but where I live the name Jesse [m] was unheard of until very recently But Woody is also climbing the charts so its up for the UK with cowboy names I guess xD
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No. I love it, but some might think it too feminine.
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Hi !!!I actually love Jesse (boy). I think that it is youthful but also mature for an adult.I really like the meaning and that it doesn't need any nickname.It is both gentle for its sound and strong because it's short. It is perfect in these years because it seems a nickname but actually has a long history so it can be chosen by any kind of parents.

This message was edited 11/24/2019, 2:33 PM

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I love it, but for a boy and pronounced YEHS-seh.
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