1. How do you pronounce Evanna?
2. What do you think of it?
Rate it
If you don't like it, what don't you like about it?
I've never encountered it IRL.
There are lots of worse names out there, but even more better ones. So, maybe 45%?
It sounds like an unsuccessful attempt at
Even looks a bit like that! And I prefer other fem forms of
3. What names would you expect to see on siblings of Evanna?
No clue! Sorry.
4. Would you like
Vanna more, or less than Evanna?
Vanna wouldn't work in South
Africa, where so many lns start with
Van -
Van Zyl,
Van der Merwe,
Van Breda ...
5. Do you like the name
Evan (m)?
I prefer other forms of
John to
Evan, especially the wondrous
Ieuan and also
Ianto if we're staying with Welsh.
I knew a really tedious
Evan once, and it also sounds like a Cockney version of
Do you like
Anna is OK - a good friend's daughter - but I have personal reasons for preferring
Do you like
Yes. My aunt
Eva was sometimes known as
Eve, and a school friend is
Evelyn, always called
Eve. In both cases I prefer
Eve to their full names.
6. Would you rather see/be Evanna (f), or
Evan (f)?
Evanna, definitely.