[Opinions] Willow
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I really like it. It has a very soft and gentle, almost whimsical vibe to it, yet ages well with just enough maturity. I wouldn't mind considering it, though it's very unlikely that I would be able to use it in reality. However, I did actually use it for one of my main characters. I truly believe that her having a nature inspired name, along with one that's both gentle and soft such as "Willow", fits her tremendously well, given her distinct personality and style.
I also like that the name reminds me of my favorite types of trees, which is a nice added bonus. :D
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I like it.
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I love it and wish it wasn't getting so popular. I think it's light and pretty and would remain charming in adulthood.
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Shedding leaves. Drooping. Weeping. Cricket bats ... much more cheerful, but who names a child after sports equipment?
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I dont like it at all.
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I used to love Willow. I still like it, but I used to loooove it. Back in high school when I didn't mind combining nature names, I thought Willow Sage would be a great name for a daughter - and then P!nk wound up actually naming her daughter Willow Sage a few years later, ha!Today I'd more likely use Willow as a middle name (for something really magical, like Sabrina or Morgana), but I still enjoy it.
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