[Opinions] Dick / Ric
Is the nickname Dick too outdated / old-fashioned to use in this day and age?What about Eic? [I spelled it without the k because I think it looks more classy and sophisticated]Dick vs Ric ?Slytherin will help you on your way to greatness!!!
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Eric is ok, prefer Rick to Dick
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I get defensive when people snicker at Dick (and they do) because I had an uncle by the name. Really Richard but he was called Dick. It makes me defensive because the slang word, although existent at the time my uncle was born in 1929, was not widespread so it's not like my grandparents knowingly decided to call him by a slang word for penis.Anyhoo, it's not that Dick is outdated or old-fashioned. It's that it's a slang word for penis and by extension a slang word with the same meaning as "jerk". Rick is fine, Ric looks dumb and I think you mean Eric? I don't like Eric because it reminds me of red, chapped ears. Partially a story about a high school boyfriend of my sister's that I don't feel like typing and partially because visually Eric resembles the word "ear" at least to me.
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