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[Facts] The country of origin ?
This was the name of my great great great grandfather who lived in Beverley near Hull. He was born in 1780. We cannot find the name in your listings. His full name was Jacolina Wilkin.
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Jacolina (from Jacob)is very likely to be a dutch name.
In Holland it's quite an old-fashioned name nowadays.
The name Jacolien (Yaa-ko-LEEN)is used more often.
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I've actually seen it used as a female name by people of Dutch and Afrikaans descent; it's either a fem form or Jacob, fancier than the usual Jacoba, or a merger of Jacob(a) and a name ending in -lina, like Angelina.But why the old gentleman would have a Dutch female name is quite beyond me!
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well i'm not sure what the orgin is, but it sounds like a name maybe that originated in Mexico.
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Why would you assume that?
It sounds like unwarranted speculation.===
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Also...Names that end in the letter “a” are usually feminine in Spanish-speaking countries, like Mexico.
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