[Opinions] Lavinia
I find it very beautiful in a "Victorian woman who drowns under suspicious circumstances" way, or, alternatively, "Edwardian woman who dies of the Spanish flu" way.
Not really my style, but it’s nice and the Liv nickname fits well. Uncommon but not strange.
I adore it and would seriously consider using it.
I picture a Lavinia looking like this:

Which isn't a bad thing, at all. I appreciate it because it's beautiful, and it has a certain sepia toned allure. But, I don't think I would ever use it in real life, for that reason. It's too far removed from my modern taste.
Which isn't a bad thing, at all. I appreciate it because it's beautiful, and it has a certain sepia toned allure. But, I don't think I would ever use it in real life, for that reason. It's too far removed from my modern taste.
I like it but there’s something a bit, I don’t know, overwrought about it? I had a relative by this name.
I can certainly see the overwrought-ness!
I didn’t know it appeared in A Little Princess, that’s a nice factoid to learn!
Lavinia is a really cool name, and to me has a kind of Southern charm to it (in the U.S. I imagine a real-life Lavinia to be a born and bred Southern Belle). She's one of those names that has pretty much always been on my PNL but never in my Top 10; so basically there are always names I like more than Lavinia, but I've never disliked her.
I’m glad to hear you like it so much. It seems I like a lot of southern belle names :)
This message was edited 6/3/2020, 8:13 AM
double post
This message was edited 6/3/2020, 8:14 AM
I like it
I’ve never heard of Life with Father, but thanks for flagging Vinnie! It’s not something I would have thought of and it’s quite unfortunate.