[Games] Bash my girls names
Be as rude as possible, your inner rudest thoughts that you'd think as soon as you saw the name.Susan
MargaretWe Stand TogetherBlack Lives Matter
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Susan - boring, plain
Maisie - Daisy Maisie goes around with flowers in her hair, her head in the clouds, and her brain who knows where.
Ada - Spinster aunt who works as a prison guard.
Ophelia - crazy girl
Margaret - hatchet facedI actually like several of these names, but it was fun coming up with mean things to say about them.
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Susan: the proverbial 50s/60s name, nearly equivalent to Jane Doe
Maisie: infantile, insubstantial, vacuous, grating
Ada: the name chosen by parents who think they're eccentric/posh because they're not using Ava
Ophelia: the name chosen by parents who want everyone to know they've read and love Shakespeare
Margaret: so sedate as to be lifeless; why not opt for the zestier Marguerite, Margalit, or Margareta?
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Susan- Is she engaged to George Costanza? Big mistake, girl!Maisie- Daisy-Head Maisy (spelled differently, but still the same name) I do like this name, though.Ada- Ugh, this name just screams "Mean Girl" (I knew a girl in middle school named Ada, and she acted like Veruca Salt).Ophelia- There was an Ophelia in Hamlet. Remember what happened to her? Despite what I just said, I still like this name.Margaret- Thatcher??? Despite Margaret Thatcher, I still like this name.The only names I honestly don't like are Susan and Ada.
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Okay, so I don't have a problem with any of the names. I don't particularly like Susan. I think it sounds dated. But I love Susannah. BUT I would never name a daughter Ophelia, because I can just imagine douchebags making comments like "Oh, I feel ya" or "Can I feel ya?" And she'd have to deal with that all her life. Love the name, but could totally see that happening.I know this was a pretty weak roast. I can't participate in that subreddit. Lol.
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Good Lord, I never thought of that. People can be so gross.
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Susan is profoundly a middle-aged white woman name. It does the same thing as Karen for me, except a little worse, because I do know some younger girls named Karen. The same cannot be said for Susan.Maisie is cute, but it's also my dog's name. Be prepared for mispronunciation, no matter if you pronounce it MAY-zee or MAY-see. And people will always argue that you're pronouncing or spelling your own child's name wrong. And the spelling and name seem too cutesy for a grown woman or teenager.Ada's cute, but grandmotherly. Doesn't really have any nickname potential.Ophelia. "Isn't that the girl who drowned herself?" Very quirky. I love the name, but be prepared for your child to be called weird.Margaret is another grandmother name. The r followed by the g and then another g is just not a very pretty sound. This was my great grandmother's name (she spelled it Margrete.) I just don't find it stylish in the slightest.
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Elaborate on Ophelia being the 'girl who drowned herself'?
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Of course! The name Ophelia rose to popularity from Shakespeare's play Hamlet, in which it is the name of a young girl and Hamlet's love interest, who goes insane after Hamlet kills her father and drowns herself from grief.
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Oh, okay. Thanks.
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