[Opinions] Elspeth
Looking at more family names again and I thought of Elspeth. My grandmother who was Scottish was Elizabeth "Betty" but I think one of her sisters called her Elspeth as a nickname. Possible combos:
Wilhelmina Elspeth Stewart
Augusta Elspeth StewartThoughts?
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I love it with both of your top choices! It fits perfectly, and although I don't personally have any hang ups about using a feminine version of a name with a second middle name of Stewart, I think having the unquestionably feminine Elspeth in there is nice. Especially because Elspeth has a similar feel to me as Wilhelmina and Augusta- feminine but not frilly, strong, and classy. Added points for some family significance too!I'm on the Wilhelmina Elspeth Stewart train for this little girl of yours but I'll still genuinely gush at the announcement of a baby Augusta Elspeth Stewart to complete your trio, if that ends up being the decision. You can't go wrong.What's your due date again? Seriously, your daughters will be the best named kiddos south of Sydney ;)
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Double post

This message was edited 9/6/2020, 8:55 PM

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Elspeth is great! I like it with Wilhelmina. It's a little too sweet and dainty for Augusta.
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My two cents: Wilhelmina Elspeth should grace us with her presence at her earliest convenience. :)
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Haha. Yeah that would be nice. I'm really over being pregnant.. I also don't think my husband will give in on Augusta :( so its looking like Wilhelmina is most likely
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Elspeth is a cool name. I remember first hearing it in the movie Dragonslayer as the name of the princess.I would more likely use Elspeth (nickname "Elle") as a first name. I had Elspeth Ivy in my Top 10 for a spell.
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I like it a lot, and the combo Wilhelmina Elspeth Stewart is beautiful! Elspeth is reminiscent of Elizabeth without being as overly popular.
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Elspeth sounds unpleasant to me, it has a slippery, lisping sound. Elsie is fun, though. Elspeth goes better with Wilhelmina than it does with Augusta, but Augusta is a name I love and I'd be thrilled if you ended up using it.
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I love it! It's just your style and goes with both of your top names perfectly. I'd be tempted to use it as a first name if I were you.
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Elspeth is lovely! It's quietly witchy.Wilhelmina Elspeth is gorgeous.
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Wilhelmina flows better with Elspeth but I much prefer Augusta on its own.
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Elspeth is just boring old Elizabeth who's gotten staggering, slurring drunk and got hit in the mouth with the Ugly Stick.
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Funny, I think Elizabeth's much uglier.Can I buy the Ugly Stick? It sounds like a fun implement.

This message was edited 9/5/2020, 3:54 PM

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I really don't like Elizabeth at all. To me it's really frumpy and ugly. I dont mind Betty but I don't find it working in any combos.
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I adore Elizabeth, but I think Elspeth sounds like someone made a sick mucous sound.
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Nah, Elizabeth's mumbly and mealy mouthed. Liz is a hideous sound. :(

This message was edited 9/6/2020, 10:59 AM

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I have always loved Elspeth. The only reason I wouldn’t use it is that most of the people in my life play Magic the Gathering and hearing them talk about their Elspeth cards ad nauseam caused it to lose some shine for me.
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I think it goes better with Wilhelmina, I prefer Elizabeth though
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Elspeth is sweet, I like it. Honestly though I’d prefer Elizabeth or just Betty. Betty is cute. Wilhelmina Elspeth Stewart flows the best. With Augusta there are too many S’s altogether.
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Sorry I don’t like it. It’s one of the most awkward, lispy names. My tongue trips over it every time I see it. I would actually prefer simply Elizabeth! I don’t see the appeal of Elspeth at all. It makes those combos quite clunky. Augusta Elspeth Stewart would be my pick out of those two.
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I have always loved Elspeth. It's so pretty and has a botanical feel to me. I like both Augusta (considered Sylvie Augusta if Finn were a girl, as it was my grandmother's middle name) and Wilhelmina, but prefer Augusta.
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Elspeth always sounds so limp and lispy to me. Augusta Betty Stewart has more character. Or Wilhelmina Betty Stewart.
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I've always adored Elspeth, it's so gentle. If we didn't have too many El- names already I would have it on my list. Either of those combos would work.
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