[Games] Re: NTNB #Round 9 : [NO SIGNUPS]
in reply to a message by Evey
Anderson Family
DH [52] Oscar Gideon Anderson [rubywinter]
DW [50] Hannah Emily [Kendrick] Anderson [Amelia]
DS [28] Archie Walter Anderson [Wordsmith]
- DW [29] Cher Juliet [Jansen] Anderson [Amelia]
- DD & DD [5] Arabella Hannah Anderson & Harriet Alice Anderson [Princess_Shireen & Amelia]
- DD [2] Cecily Cosima Anderson [Wordsmith]
DS [26] Freddie Julian Anderson [RowenaRavenclaw]
- DW [27] Amelie Josephine [Thibault] Anderson [Julia]
- DS [nb] Sylvain Frédéric
DS [23] Laurie Edward Anderson [Wordsmith]
-- DexGf [23] Hailee Kristin McGill [Laura B.]
-- DS [3] Phoenix Atlas Anderson [Amelia]
- Dgf [22] Nava Iris Pensak [starletinwaiting]
-- DD [2m] Jericho Montana
DS [19] Ronnie Hayes Anderson [Amelia]
- Dgf [19] Voski Lucine Sarkisyan
DS [15] Jamie Leopold Anderson [Julia]
- Dgf [15] Isobel Niamh Watson-Hume
Freddie and Amelie got married in a beautiful French castle with their family and close friends alongside them! They have just become parents to a baby boy! Laurie and Nava had a daughter together 2 months ago! Phoenix loves being a big brother!
Ronnie has been dating his girlfriend for the past year, the couple met at university and Jamie has his first girlfriend, they've been together almost one year!
- Freddie and Amelie's son's FN is a handsome French name, and his MN honors Freddie
- Laurie and Nava's daughters FN and MN are from here : https://nameberry.com/userlist/view/24697
- Ronnie's girlfriends FN, MN and LN are Armenian
- Jamie's girlfriends FN and MN are between 50-60 in the UK in 2005, and her LN is double barrelled
Paracha Family
DH [43] Murad Paracha [Laura B.]
DW [43] Zunaira [Naudiyal] Paracha [Belphoebe]
DS [23] Javed Oliver Paracha [rubywinter]
- DW [23] Amina Asmaa
- DD [2] Noor Rania
- DD [exp] Noon Rana
DD [22] Nasreen Isla Paracha [Amelia]
DD [20] Hadiyya Grace Paracha [AhaRememo]
- Dfiance [24] William Hyder Sultan
DS [17] Samir Jack Paracha [Julia]
- Dbf [18] Owen Patrick Wilde
DD [15] Maimuna Rosie Paracha [molly]
DS [12] Ali Thomas Paracha [ari.]
DD & DS [10] Tahira Evelyn Paracha & Rafiq James Paracha [Amelia & Julia]
Ten years have passed for the Paracha family! Javed has been married for almost 3 years and is expecting baby #2!
Nasreen is pretty big actress and currently resides in Los Angeles, California! Hadiyya is due to get married in 2 months and so excited!
Samir came out and luckily his parents were supportive of him! He has been dating his boyfriend for almost 8 months!
- Javed's wife initials are AA and Arabic
- Javed and his wife's daughters names are Arabic and have the same initials
- Hadiyya's fiance's FN is a classic, his MN and LN are Arabic
- Samir's boyfriends FN, MN and LN are Irish
Gabel Family
DH [56] Joshua Tyler Gabel [Julia]
DW [57] Nina Miriam [Grace] Gabel [saphirdufeu]
DD [29] Eleni Sophia [Gabel] Papadopoulos [Julia & ari.]
- DH [32] Giorgos Papadopoulos [AhaRememo]
- DS [7] Apollo Joshua Papadopoulos [Wordsmith]
- DS [5] Leonidas Owen Papadopoulos [Amelia]
- DD [3] Olympia Harper Papadopoulos [molly]
DD [27] Theodora Elizabeth Gabel-Stone [Amelia]
- DW [29] Bailey Catherine Stone [Princess_Shireen]
- DD [3] Aviana Xanthi Gabel-Stone [Julia]
- DS [9m] Milo Evangelos
DS [24] Nikos Joshua Gabel [molly & Amelia]
- DW [24] Sibylla Mary Winther [Belphoebe]
- DD [exp] Lolita Eleni
DD [22] Thalia Penelope Gabel [Jessamine]
- Dbf [26] Declan Bodhi Gilmore [Amelia]
Theo and Bailey got married 1.5 years ago and now have a 9 month old son together!
Nikos and Sibylla got married back in Athens and then went back to Buenos Aires, where they are ready to start a family! They are expecting a daughter together!
- Theo and Bailey's son's FN is from here : https://nameberry.com/userlist/view/176082 and his MN is Greek
- Nikos and Sibylla want their daughters FN to be cute and Spanish, and her MN to be after one of Nikos' immediate family!
Lange Family
DH [52] William Kaspar Lange [starletinwaiting]
DW [51] Alessia Francesca [Rossi] Lange
DS [25] Zephyr Dante Lange [ciara23]
- DW [23] Diana Lily [Lapointe] Lange [RowenaRavenclaw]
- DD & DS [exp] Opal Rosalba & Lloyd Angelo
DD [23] Serena Wynter Lange [Laura B.]
- Dfiance [26] Ezekiel Geoffrey Jones [Princess_Shireen]
DD [23] Camilla Taylor Lange [emmalou]
-- DD [7] Alma Guinevere Ruby Lange [Amelia]
- Dgf [30] Flora Alexis Kelly [Amelia]
-- DD [exp] Lux Persephone
DS [20] Kingston Vito Lange [Princess_Shireen]
-- DexGf [20] Jagna Roksana Bizon [molly]
- Dgf [21] Ella-Mae Livingston
DD [18] Valentina Bailey Lange [Amelia]
- Dbf [20] Adam Luis Silva [RowenaRavenclaw]
DS [14] River Luciano Lange [Julia]
Zephyr and Diana had such a beautiful wedding, and are so excited about their twins being born!
Serena and Ezekiel 'Zeke' got engaged whilst on vacation in Cape Town, South Africa!
Camilla and Flora are expecting a baby girl together!
Kingston and Jagna broke up, and Kingston has been with his new girlfriend for 9 months!
- Zephyr and Diana want their twins FNs to be old fashioned, and their MNs to be Italian
- Camilla and Flora want their daughters FN and MN to be from here : https://nameberry.com/userlist/view/44664
- Kingston's girlfriends initials are EML
Reynolds-Bennett Family
DH [38] Morgan Dominic Reynolds [Belphoebe]
DW [37] Emma Daisy [Bennett] Reynolds [ishlid]
DD [23] Blake Isabella Reynolds [Amelia]
-- DexGf [23] Arizona Everly Presley [Amelia]
- DW [27] Kaitlyn Shelby Green [Princess_Shireen]
-- DS [3] Camden Beckett George Reynolds-Green [Princess_Shireen]
-- DD [1] Reeve Tallulah Hermione
DD [21] James Margot Reynolds [Jessamine]
- Dbf [23] Dallas Wyatt Capshaw [Jessamine]
- DD [exp] Audrey Hannah
DD [18] Luca Scarlet Reynolds [Zhara]
DD [10] Hudson Edith Reynolds [Laura B.]
DD [8] Arlo Gwendolyn Reynolds [Zhara]
DD [5] Ezra Maybelle Reynolds [Jessamine]
DD [3] Dashiell Imogen Reynolds [Amelia]
Blake and Kaitlyn had a daughter one year ago! Camden loves being a big brother!
James and Dallas are expecting a daughter!
- Blake and Kaitlyn want their daughters FN, MN and SECOND MN to be from here : https://nameberry.com/list/535/attitude-names-for-girls?all=1
- James and Dallas want their daughters FN to be after your favourite actress, and her MN to be after a character from either Haunting of Hill House or Haunting of Bly Manor

DH [52] Oscar Gideon Anderson [rubywinter]
DW [50] Hannah Emily [Kendrick] Anderson [Amelia]
DS [28] Archie Walter Anderson [Wordsmith]
- DW [29] Cher Juliet [Jansen] Anderson [Amelia]
- DD & DD [5] Arabella Hannah Anderson & Harriet Alice Anderson [Princess_Shireen & Amelia]
- DD [2] Cecily Cosima Anderson [Wordsmith]
DS [26] Freddie Julian Anderson [RowenaRavenclaw]
- DW [27] Amelie Josephine [Thibault] Anderson [Julia]
- DS [nb] Sylvain Frédéric
DS [23] Laurie Edward Anderson [Wordsmith]
-- DexGf [23] Hailee Kristin McGill [Laura B.]
-- DS [3] Phoenix Atlas Anderson [Amelia]
- Dgf [22] Nava Iris Pensak [starletinwaiting]
-- DD [2m] Jericho Montana
DS [19] Ronnie Hayes Anderson [Amelia]
- Dgf [19] Voski Lucine Sarkisyan
DS [15] Jamie Leopold Anderson [Julia]
- Dgf [15] Isobel Niamh Watson-Hume
Freddie and Amelie got married in a beautiful French castle with their family and close friends alongside them! They have just become parents to a baby boy! Laurie and Nava had a daughter together 2 months ago! Phoenix loves being a big brother!
Ronnie has been dating his girlfriend for the past year, the couple met at university and Jamie has his first girlfriend, they've been together almost one year!
- Freddie and Amelie's son's FN is a handsome French name, and his MN honors Freddie
- Laurie and Nava's daughters FN and MN are from here : https://nameberry.com/userlist/view/24697
- Ronnie's girlfriends FN, MN and LN are Armenian
- Jamie's girlfriends FN and MN are between 50-60 in the UK in 2005, and her LN is double barrelled
Paracha Family
DH [43] Murad Paracha [Laura B.]
DW [43] Zunaira [Naudiyal] Paracha [Belphoebe]
DS [23] Javed Oliver Paracha [rubywinter]
- DW [23] Amina Asmaa
- DD [2] Noor Rania
- DD [exp] Noon Rana
DD [22] Nasreen Isla Paracha [Amelia]
DD [20] Hadiyya Grace Paracha [AhaRememo]
- Dfiance [24] William Hyder Sultan
DS [17] Samir Jack Paracha [Julia]
- Dbf [18] Owen Patrick Wilde
DD [15] Maimuna Rosie Paracha [molly]
DS [12] Ali Thomas Paracha [ari.]
DD & DS [10] Tahira Evelyn Paracha & Rafiq James Paracha [Amelia & Julia]
Ten years have passed for the Paracha family! Javed has been married for almost 3 years and is expecting baby #2!
Nasreen is pretty big actress and currently resides in Los Angeles, California! Hadiyya is due to get married in 2 months and so excited!
Samir came out and luckily his parents were supportive of him! He has been dating his boyfriend for almost 8 months!
- Javed's wife initials are AA and Arabic
- Javed and his wife's daughters names are Arabic and have the same initials
- Hadiyya's fiance's FN is a classic, his MN and LN are Arabic
- Samir's boyfriends FN, MN and LN are Irish
Gabel Family
DH [56] Joshua Tyler Gabel [Julia]
DW [57] Nina Miriam [Grace] Gabel [saphirdufeu]
DD [29] Eleni Sophia [Gabel] Papadopoulos [Julia & ari.]
- DH [32] Giorgos Papadopoulos [AhaRememo]
- DS [7] Apollo Joshua Papadopoulos [Wordsmith]
- DS [5] Leonidas Owen Papadopoulos [Amelia]
- DD [3] Olympia Harper Papadopoulos [molly]
DD [27] Theodora Elizabeth Gabel-Stone [Amelia]
- DW [29] Bailey Catherine Stone [Princess_Shireen]
- DD [3] Aviana Xanthi Gabel-Stone [Julia]
- DS [9m] Milo Evangelos
DS [24] Nikos Joshua Gabel [molly & Amelia]
- DW [24] Sibylla Mary Winther [Belphoebe]
- DD [exp] Lolita Eleni
DD [22] Thalia Penelope Gabel [Jessamine]
- Dbf [26] Declan Bodhi Gilmore [Amelia]
Theo and Bailey got married 1.5 years ago and now have a 9 month old son together!
Nikos and Sibylla got married back in Athens and then went back to Buenos Aires, where they are ready to start a family! They are expecting a daughter together!
- Theo and Bailey's son's FN is from here : https://nameberry.com/userlist/view/176082 and his MN is Greek
- Nikos and Sibylla want their daughters FN to be cute and Spanish, and her MN to be after one of Nikos' immediate family!
Lange Family
DH [52] William Kaspar Lange [starletinwaiting]
DW [51] Alessia Francesca [Rossi] Lange
DS [25] Zephyr Dante Lange [ciara23]
- DW [23] Diana Lily [Lapointe] Lange [RowenaRavenclaw]
- DD & DS [exp] Opal Rosalba & Lloyd Angelo
DD [23] Serena Wynter Lange [Laura B.]
- Dfiance [26] Ezekiel Geoffrey Jones [Princess_Shireen]
DD [23] Camilla Taylor Lange [emmalou]
-- DD [7] Alma Guinevere Ruby Lange [Amelia]
- Dgf [30] Flora Alexis Kelly [Amelia]
-- DD [exp] Lux Persephone
DS [20] Kingston Vito Lange [Princess_Shireen]
-- DexGf [20] Jagna Roksana Bizon [molly]
- Dgf [21] Ella-Mae Livingston
DD [18] Valentina Bailey Lange [Amelia]
- Dbf [20] Adam Luis Silva [RowenaRavenclaw]
DS [14] River Luciano Lange [Julia]
Zephyr and Diana had such a beautiful wedding, and are so excited about their twins being born!
Serena and Ezekiel 'Zeke' got engaged whilst on vacation in Cape Town, South Africa!
Camilla and Flora are expecting a baby girl together!
Kingston and Jagna broke up, and Kingston has been with his new girlfriend for 9 months!
- Zephyr and Diana want their twins FNs to be old fashioned, and their MNs to be Italian
- Camilla and Flora want their daughters FN and MN to be from here : https://nameberry.com/userlist/view/44664
- Kingston's girlfriends initials are EML
Reynolds-Bennett Family
DH [38] Morgan Dominic Reynolds [Belphoebe]
DW [37] Emma Daisy [Bennett] Reynolds [ishlid]
DD [23] Blake Isabella Reynolds [Amelia]
-- DexGf [23] Arizona Everly Presley [Amelia]
- DW [27] Kaitlyn Shelby Green [Princess_Shireen]
-- DS [3] Camden Beckett George Reynolds-Green [Princess_Shireen]
-- DD [1] Reeve Tallulah Hermione
DD [21] James Margot Reynolds [Jessamine]
- Dbf [23] Dallas Wyatt Capshaw [Jessamine]
- DD [exp] Audrey Hannah
DD [18] Luca Scarlet Reynolds [Zhara]
DD [10] Hudson Edith Reynolds [Laura B.]
DD [8] Arlo Gwendolyn Reynolds [Zhara]
DD [5] Ezra Maybelle Reynolds [Jessamine]
DD [3] Dashiell Imogen Reynolds [Amelia]
Blake and Kaitlyn had a daughter one year ago! Camden loves being a big brother!
James and Dallas are expecting a daughter!
- Blake and Kaitlyn want their daughters FN, MN and SECOND MN to be from here : https://nameberry.com/list/535/attitude-names-for-girls?all=1
- James and Dallas want their daughters FN to be after your favourite actress, and her MN to be after a character from either Haunting of Hill House or Haunting of Bly Manor

This message was edited 11/3/2020, 1:11 PM