[Opinions] Meadow
I love this name
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❤Time Traveller ❤I love the name Meadow, I picture a gorgeous hippie with long golden blonde hair blowing in the breeze.
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It's cute. Not sure if I'd like to use it though.
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Eh. It's a good name for a grasshopper.
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Love it, so pretty, sweet, happy and friendly. I love the imagery I get from it too.
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Thank you
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Don't like it at all
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It’s too wordy and makes me think of Tony Soprano’s daughter.
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Hi !!!I rate Meadow 8/10!It is lovely and shining. It is peaceful and serene, full of positive vibes.
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Thank you
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I do, alsoI think it's lovely, soft and feels like sunshine.

This message was edited 11/16/2020, 10:16 AM

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Thank you
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Meadow Soprano. Gotta love it
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I wil have to watch it
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Oh, it's really good! Very violent though
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I don't. It's silly and sickly-cute, like a Little Golden Book animal character.
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I like it. It’s kinda cool actually.
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Thank you
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I associate this with the daughter on The Sopranos.
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I will have to watch it
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I love the middles names
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