[Opinions] Giselle
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Really pretty, I like it a lot. Love the nn Gigi too.
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It’s very delicate and pretty, though the meaning "hostage" kinda turns me off. I prefer Genevieve.
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I think it’s a pretty name. I would never use it though. 8/10.
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I love this name, gorgeous.
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I only like Gisèle (or Gisela/Gisla):)
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Tragic balletic heroine; rather ephemeral as a name, which does the ballet character a disservice. I think I prefer Gisele.
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It reminds me of the (magical) ballet. I don’t like the English pronounciation, but I love the association with the ballet.
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It is pretty, but I’m not a fan of the meaning.
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It's ok
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It's pretty but in a very self aware kind of way. It knows how French and stylish it is.I don't think there are any nice natural nicknames and I would be worried about the 'jizz' sound in an English context when she's a child.I think I prefer the softer Gabrielle or Gabriella.
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I think it's pretty. Very French. Like a French ballerina name.
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