[Opinions] Solstice
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Hell no, but it could work as a middle.

This message was edited 12/9/2020, 9:42 AM

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Better for a girl. It's ok.
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I think it's okay, but I'd prefer Solaris or Sola.
It also reminds me of Solace and Stacy, neither of which I like.

This message was edited 12/8/2020, 9:58 PM

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I have never, ever thought about this as a name. But now that you've asked... I kind of like it.
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And his sister, Equinox?
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I like it. It's not rally very namey but it looks and sounds nice, and has a cool meaning so I could get used to it.
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Dont like it
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Yeah, I kind of like it. I might use it.
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The sound is cool, but not name-y enough to use.
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