[Games] HHP of the day! 12/11 (The Vlogmas of HHP) ♥️_♥️/Bash my name
The game host lists an even number of names, all placed in 'Purgatory'. The first player moves the two names they like best to 'Heaven', and the two names they like least to 'Hell'. The second player, and every player thereafter will move two names to 'Heaven', two names to 'Hell' and will move one least liked name from 'Heaven' back to 'Purgatory' and one best liked name back to 'Purgatory' from 'Hell'. To make it easy for everyone to see what's happening use this template to describe which names each player moved, as a game host it's convenient to include this is your post:
Purgatory: Erza (F), Everleigh, Hampton, Hadassah, Helene, Lilia, Legend, Kerian
HellAnd for extra fun, whichever names you choose to put in Hell, Bash/roast them as hard as you can! *excited to see responses*Vote on my NameLists: https://www.behindthename.com/pnl/218753 & https://www.behindthename.com/pnl/218753/136254 Middle names included. For God so loved the world he gave his only son so whoever believeth in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16
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