[Opinions] Tarquin
There used to be an advert on the tv I think advertising probiotic drinks. Anyway the man in the advert was called Tarquin WDYT?Vita Brevis
Ars Longa
Occasio Praeceps
Experimentum Periculosum
Iudicium Difficile

This message was edited 1/17/2021, 1:43 PM

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I like it. Actor Laurence Olivier had a son named Tarquin.
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Tarquinius Superbus springs to mind! I've never met a Tarquin. Could be a school friend of Bertie Wooster's.
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There was a British TV show from the (??) 1970 or at least early 80s where a couple in the series named their boy Tarquin and everybody else secretly mocked the decision. Tbh I'm not fond of the name myself and I might also fall into reacting in the same shocked manner "Tarquin!?!?!?"
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Reminds me of Grand Moff Tarkin. I think it's interesting.
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This is what I was going to post.At first it sounds like a lost Scottish king, or maybe a character from something like Dragon Slayer. But then I think of Tarkin from Star Wars.
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I don't like the sound of it.
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The name itself is unique and interesting, but the Sextus Tarquinius association isn't good IMO.
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I went to university with a guy who sounded so posh his nickname became Tarquin, and by the end of the first year he went exclusively by Tarks. Never did go by his actual name in the end.
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