[Opinions] Opinions on Lavender?
What are everyone's opinions on the feminine name "Lavender?""Isn't it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it?"
~L.M. Montgomeryhttps://www.behindthename.com/pnl/223983/138734
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Nice. She'll definitely smell good ;)
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It is gentle and full of memories of the past. Just as nostalgia of the past can be warm and comforting but also sad, Lavender has a soft melancholy to it.
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Not at all crazy about it.
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i think it’s a very lovely name! it sounds pretty and nice to say too ^^
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I love Lavender it is one of my favorites
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I can imagine it on a pet rather than a person.
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I like this word and I understand its appeal as a name. There's something calm and collected about it but it's also unexpected, like Margaret with a twist. Or a Primrose with a bit more credibility. That being said, I think I might be allergic to lavender because every time I smell some, I get a headache, so I personally would not use it.
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I fell in love with it last summer. I think it’s a nice combination of familiar and unusual. I like the sound of it, I like how it looks written down and I love the flower. It’s a win for me.
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My opinion is very low. Lavender is too long for everyday use, so consider the possible short forms/nicknames. Lav? Lavvy? Vinny, if she's lucky? Ven? Ender? Definitely mn only, if you're really fond of it.
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My name had 3 syllables but no one ever shortened it for me. I think 3 syllables still works without a nickname.
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Noone likes it, due to laundry association, if I'm not mistaken, but I find the sound of the name quite appealing.
Violet and Iris also have some negative associations, or at least strange ones, but everybody loves them.
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Don't like it
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I love Lavender! I really enjoy how it sounds, and that it's a more interesting floral choice, but still familiar and beautiful. Plus there's the Matilda character, who's pretty cool.
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