[Opinions] Gigi
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I don’t like it as a full name, I don’t think it ages well but I love it as a nickname. Especially for Genevieve!
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I really like it. It’s a very spunky little name and personally I think it ages well. I can definitely see a little girl with the name, but I also feel it’s sophisticated enough for an adult.
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Okay as a nickname, bad as a full name.
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Cute as a NN but not substantial enough as a stand alone imo
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Love it, especially as a nn for Gretchen
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I like Gigi Lola, but I prefer Gigi as a name.
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I like it. I remember my high school cosmetology teacher was named Gigi - short for Gisele. I always thought that was incredibly chic. Gigi is one of those hyper-frilly midcentury sexpot names I really enjoy. Part of me has a weakness for these repetitive names like Gigi, Lulu, Zsa Zsa, Bibi, Coco, etc.
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It's cute as a nn
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