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[Opinions] Re: Svetlana
QuoteI'm aware that my pronunciation of "svet" is way more strident than a native Russian speaker's pronunciation...
Out of curiosity, are you using a liquid E? At least, I think that's the linguistic term - basically, are you mentally inserting a Y before the E? That's usually what I do with Russian Es and Is. I do think the name is prettier as "svyit-lana" than "sveht-lana," though it's less intuitive for me as a non-Russian (not even Slavic, though I do live in a highly Polish area).That all said, Svetlana isn't one of my favorite Russian names, though I do see the appeal. And it's more interesting than just Lana by itself. Of your combos, I like:Svetlana Cosima
Svetlana Isidora
Svetlana Mathilda
Svetlana Perdita
Svetlana Pernilla
Svetlana Violante
Svetlana VivekaI would also like to suggest:Svetlana Fotoula
Svetlana Ismene
Svetlana Liselot / Svetlana Liselott / Svetlana Liselotte
Svetlana Pernille
Svetlana Petronel
Svetlana Tallulah / Svetlana Talulla
Svetlana Theresa / Svetlana Therese
Svetlana Therasia***Please rate my personal name
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