[Opinions] Opal
I love the stone and have grown to like Opal. Do you like it?Please rate my list: https://www.behindthename.com/pnl/6232
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I like it! It's charming in a retro kind of way, and I love the gem. Although I'm really a sucker for those names. lol
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I don't hate it (but used to, despite liking opals). It used to remind me of 'offal', and now it reminds me of 'Opa'.
It seems like the gem name equivalent to Myrtle...strikes me as an acquired taste.
Maybe eventually I'll like it, but I'm not there yet. I think it'd be interesting to see used.

This message was edited 3/26/2021, 10:29 PM

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I love Opal, but then again I love most gemstone names.
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I find the gemstone really pretty, and the name unique! The only O name I like for a girl. Pretty!
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I'm sort of slowly coming around to this one. The stone is gorgeous, so I should already like it. But it has always reminded me of a lady with a beehive hairdo working in a diner. Now I am beginning to see the retro appeal.
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I love Opal. I'd even go so far as to say it's probably my favorite of the O female names rivaled only by Olive or Ottavia in my books. This is in part because of sentimentality because one of the first chapter books I ever read as a kid was Because of Winn-Dixie who has a protagonist character named India Opal "Opal" whom I felt a close identification with as a child. Opal was kind, persistent and connected well with others and those are all qualities I aspired to growing up. I've even say I'd gone as far as considered using the characters name as a name idea only just flip them around to Opal India instead of India Opal. In additon to this I've also considered Opal Areida, Opal Juniper and Opal Jubilee

This message was edited 3/26/2021, 3:07 PM

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I like it! It's really cute and perky. It would make a nice middle name.
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The gem is gorgeous, and so is the name, but it is just one letter away from Opel.
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The gem is certainly gorgeous - I have a string of very low-quality opals, bought over a century ago by an impoverished ancestor who didn't emigrate to Oz after all - and my mother drove an Opel for a while, happily enough, but I don't like the sound or the look of the name. And I can't decide if it's better or worse, as a name, than Mercedes, Lexus, Cressida ...
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What is Opel?I'm not familiar.
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Opel - is a German automobile manufacturer ©
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Thank you.I learned something new.
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Not at all!
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I hate the stone but love the name! It's so chintzy and stern.
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I wouldn't use it but it is pretty; old-lady like Pearl but not as sour.
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It's ok
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