[Opinions] Flora
Do you like the name Flora for a girl?
Do you prefer Flora or Florence?

This message was edited 4/26/2021, 11:25 AM

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I think Flora is such a cute name. I’d even consider using it myself. I’ve never met anyone with the name, but it’s kind of an all encompassing floral name, as it’s not the name of one particular type of flower. As a fn I prefer Flora, as a mn I prefer Florence.
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I think Flora's a charming old lady name (similar to other short *ora names: Cora, Dora, Nora, Zora), so I guess that means it's a good name for a little girl.Florence seems more familiar/approachable to me because I had a family member named it + there's Florence Welch (it's more pop culture-y).

This message was edited 4/26/2021, 2:11 PM

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I wuld like to like Flora; pity about the margarine.I prefer Florence to Flora, and Laura to both of them. But, Florence is a family name on my father's and my mother's side, so I'd use it for sure.
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I prefer Florence.
The only thing that puts me off Flora is 'Flora and Fauna'.
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I like it a lot, but I think I slightly prefer Florence.
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Flora is beautiful, and I love both Flora and Florence.
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I prefer Florence it seems like it has a little bit more substance in my opinion.
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Hi !!!I love Flora!
It is one of my favourite names!I prefer Flora because it is more familiar than Florence.
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I like it a lot. I like both really. I do appreciate that Florence has some cute nickname options. (Not Flo, though.) Flora, I would not use a nickname for.
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I really like it. Florence is nice too but I think Flora sounds nicer. Florence is also a bit too popular for me (#15 where I live).
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It;s okay. I like Elora too.
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