[Games] Re: Speedy Congrats
in reply to a message by Claire H
LN: Parke-Laine
SO1: Samuel "Sam" Peter
SO2: Sara Amelie
Number of births/"rounds" you want: 7
Are you okay with having twins?: yes!
Triplets?: yes
Number of pets you want, if any: 2-4
Kinds of pets you want, if any: dogs, cats, snakes, birds are all okay

Photo taken by Kit
SO1: Samuel "Sam" Peter
SO2: Sara Amelie
Number of births/"rounds" you want: 7
Are you okay with having twins?: yes!
Triplets?: yes
Number of pets you want, if any: 2-4
Kinds of pets you want, if any: dogs, cats, snakes, birds are all okay

Photo taken by Kit