[Opinions] Greer
WDYT? Too harsh?
Do you prefer Greer or Grier, or neither?
Do you prefer Greer as a middle name
Do you prefer it on a boy or on a girl.Greer Gwendolyn
Greer HannahGreer Thomas
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Don't like it at all
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I kind of like it for a girl for some reason. I don’t think I would ever actually use it.
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I know a girl named Greer who's 19 now. I like this name, somewhat...but it reminds me of Beer. Maybe as a middle name.
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Greer is one of my uncanny valley names. It's like the Tilda Swinton of names. It's sleek and chic but I feel inexplicably threatened by it. I have a kind of morbid fascination with Greer. I don't really like it but I also can't look away. It's not harsh....more like....slimy. Slippery, like an iridescent oil slick. I prefer it for a girl overall, but Grier on a boy works too. Greer Gwendolyn is good, although I'd spell it Greer Gwendolen.Hannah is way too soft to go next to Greer, she's like a marshmallow on a sharp, pointy Greer-spear.
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Harsh & ugly.
Neither (but Grier is even more awkward than Greer).
If you have to use it, it is better as a middle name than a first name.
I've only had experience with it as a female name (nothing feminine about it at all though imo). It might be more suited to a male?
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I like it, I don’t know why, and not enough to stick on my PNL (or is it?…), but I kind of like it.I’ve heard it pronounced both as it’s spelled, gree r, as well as like gray-er, which I think is pretty nice.I like it on both genders.I don’t really like any of the combos.
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The only name uglier than Greer is Sloane
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