[Opinions] April
Do you like April?Do you find it dated?For some reason it doesn't sound dated to me at all. It makes me think of rain which is kind of nice and relaxing.Please rate my list: https://www.behindthename.com/pnl/6232
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It's okay
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I've known 2 of them, and both were near my age. So yes I do see it as dated.
But it's like June - the datedness doesn't make it dowdy.
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April is a nice fresh name. My husband's initials are APR, the abbreviation for April, so that made me think of April as the first name with a "P" middle name and a second middle name starting with "R" Maybe ...April Peninnah Rose
April Pauline Rose
April Pandora Rose
April Penelope Rae
April Piper Rae
April PrimRose (that capital R might be aggravating)Ruth or Rome could be used too.
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It also makes me think of rain.I do think it’s mildly dated, but pretty in an understated kind of way. Reminds me of April from Parks and Rec.

This message was edited 6/29/2021, 8:47 AM

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I love it, it's classic while still sounding fresh. I think Aubrey Plaza's character in "Parks and Rec" made this name more current for a lot of people, so it's less dated than it used to be. I also really like the Simon and Garfunkel song.
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I don’t like that the most intuitive nickname would be “Ape”
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I don't like the ape sound in April either; I don't think of it as a possible NN, though, even if people are teasing. I think it's probably because April's a word with strong associations already.
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??I honestly would never ever have even considered calling an April "Ape". I practically spit my morning coffee out reading that. April's already pretty short and I'm not one to automatically think every name needs to be shortened. This would not cross my mind. Is it just me?
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Me neither. Not every name needs a nickname. I also wouldn't call a Madison "Mad". Then again I would never have used "Di" for Diana because it sounds like "die" but apparently many people don't have a problem with it (which surprises me).
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That's why I would always avoid Diana, and even Dinah, except as mns. The risk is too great!
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I love April.
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I like it. I've only met one April my entire life. So I don't find it dated.
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I don't like it. Most the April's I personally met were judgemental and harsh. I do also found it dated, personally. I do like Avril more.

This message was edited 6/29/2021, 6:53 AM

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