[Games] Bash My (word) Names / Name Roast
1. Liberty
2. September
3. Haven
4. Meadow
5. Serenity
6. Karma
7. Atlantis
8. Sunset
9. January

This message was edited 7/5/2021, 4:49 AM

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1. People will probably assume you're a redneck
2. The month where it's still too hot to be fall and kids have to go back to school
3. Somehow annoyingly hippie-ish and annoying preppy at the same time
4. See #3
5. It's not the shiniest name in the 'verse
6. They'll bite you in the ass
7. Don't let them go swimming or they'll sink into the ocean
8. See #3 and #4
9. People are mostly done with winter by the end of December, January is just cold and bleak and nobody likes it
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1. Either give me Liberty or give me death, I'd rather die than use this name. This kid's gonna get Liberty Mutual references till the day they die.2. Ah yes, a month most children dread as it shows the start of 7 months of crappy education, great name choice!3. Meaning a safe place, but this sounds like the type of kid to punch themselves in the face, tell the teacher someone else did it and watch with a smirk as the other kid gets yelled at for nothing.4. Ah yes, a piece of land where only grass grows, surely a splendid choice for a child. "We named you this because of the land that's barren apart from small blades of green!" Wonderful choice!5. I picture a social media influencer who says to love each other then goes on to bully others for not having her great, photoshopped looks and lack of personality.6. Karma is a bitch, and either the kid will be one or they'll be bullied to high hell. Great choice there!7. Ah yes, the sunken city that (probably) didn't exist. "We named you after a prospering society that was flooded by the sea. Oh, it may not have existed" Lovely!8. Trying too hard to be "mystical and unique" while ending up sounding like a hippie who does acid instead of bIG pHaRmA's Tylenol. Also, MLP: Equestria Girls references till the day they die.9. Ah yes, one of the most cold, dark months of the year. Great choice for a child! "We named you after the most barren, freezing, depressing month of the year!"
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1. Liberty Mutual
4. Reminds me of "The Sopranos"
6. I hope Karma turns out to be a nice person.
8. Sunset Boulevard**I had a hard time coming up with roasts, as I actually like most of these names.**
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