[Opinions] Cotton
I've come across the name Cotton for boys a couple of times in the past few days while perusing online birth announcements. What do you think of Cotton as a name?

Cute-ish....i hope i forget it thouhg or it wil become a favourite....
Just LOVE names!
Just LOVE names!
I'd just like to point out that Cotton Mather received Cotton as his given name because it was his mother's maiden name, so it is a surname transfer, not a direct transfer from the word. I didn't know it was used for a character in King of the Hill. I can see how the writers of that show might have thought of Cotton as a Southern name, but as a given name it would actually be very "New England" and rare in the South.
And as a surname Cotton is not taken from the plant but is from Old English "aet cottum", meaning "dweller by the cottages." (See Reaney & Wilson's A Dictionary of English Surnames.)
And as a surname Cotton is not taken from the plant but is from Old English "aet cottum", meaning "dweller by the cottages." (See Reaney & Wilson's A Dictionary of English Surnames.)
It reminds me of Cotton Mather, the famous Puritan.
Cotton Hill on King of the Hill
The name Cotton makes me think of the name of Hank's father on King of the Hill. It's one of those 'good old boy' names.
I like unusual southern-esq boys' names, but I don't like using Cotton for a name at all.
The name Cotton makes me think of the name of Hank's father on King of the Hill. It's one of those 'good old boy' names.
I like unusual southern-esq boys' names, but I don't like using Cotton for a name at all.
Really nms. It's one of those words that just doesn't seem suitable as a name (at least to me).
sorry, but nms at all.
I think it's stylish. I mean, too stylized for me on my child - it seems strongly Southern and antique and rustic. But on someone else's kid I think it could be very pleasantly stylish, and it sounds namey and nice.
- mirfak
- mirfak
I agree, though I'm thinkin mn or nn
Proud daughter of Ann and John
Proud sister of Lauren and Leah
Proud wife of David
Proud mother of Alexander, Scarlett, Sophia, and Gideon
Proud daughter of Ann and John
Proud sister of Lauren and Leah
Proud wife of David
Proud mother of Alexander, Scarlett, Sophia, and Gideon
I love the word. It's a great word. I love how it sounds and how it feels in my mouth.
But as a NAME? One one: NO!
But as a NAME? One one: NO!
It's a nice name for a pony or other pet, and I could maybe see it on a hobbit, but not for a kid! ;)
It's okay, I met a girl named True Cotton ___last name here_____ but its okay as a middle name. I don't really like it as a boy's or girl's first name though, sorry it's just not my style.
-Kaylen (aka Kay!)
-Kaylen (aka Kay!)
I think of it more as a girl's name. Actually, I think of it more as a material used for sewing, but there you go. ^_^
- Maria
Hmm. I don't think it's something I can see on a person. I had a pet named Cotton when I was a kid.
-- Sarah
-- Sarah
It reminds me of Cotton Mather. This isn't a bad thing. Personally, I think that the name could fly just fine. I have no problems with it. It seems wordy now, but that would fade if it were used more.
Also, Cotton was used as a name in the movie "Dodgeball" as one of the announcers.

PP adopter! See profile.
Also, Cotton was used as a name in the movie "Dodgeball" as one of the announcers.

PP adopter! See profile.
This message was edited 5/21/2006, 12:00 PM
I've heard it before, and of course there was Cotton Mather. But all I can see is the word "cotton", not a name, not even a surname. :-/

Recently, the weight loss has all gone to hell. :-/ Trying to get back on track...

Recently, the weight loss has all gone to hell. :-/ Trying to get back on track...
Yeah, Cotton Mather is what I associate it with, too. I'm not so sure that's a good thing, lol!
I also see 'cotton' the word. I don't think I could take this name seriously. It's just too 'wordy'. My perception could change if I met a little Cotton, but right now I'm not liking too much.

I also see 'cotton' the word. I don't think I could take this name seriously. It's just too 'wordy'. My perception could change if I met a little Cotton, but right now I'm not liking too much.

'Citizen Kane' was a great film and it remains in my top twenty list of all-time favourite movies.
For me, Cotten conjures up associations of Cotton Mather. Not the best connotation to have, methinks.
Linus is an excellent name. I believe it's due for a time in the spotlight. :)

For me, Cotten conjures up associations of Cotton Mather. Not the best connotation to have, methinks.
Linus is an excellent name. I believe it's due for a time in the spotlight. :)