[Opinions] Angelina
What do you think?Too Jolie?Actually, what do you think of Jolie? lol **After supposedly dying on January 30, 2007 after eating tainted pancakes, she returned several times as an angel and was revealed to be alive on May 17, 2011. )**
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A bit too fussyIt's way better than Jolie.I prefer Angeline and Angelica. My favorite angelic name is Arcangela.

This message was edited 8/13/2021, 10:29 AM

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Angeline and Angelica are nice. I prefer Angelique, but that's just me.
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I think it's my favorite Angel name. I don't like it enough to want to use it, but I do like it.
Jolie sounds like a babyish nn for Jolene or Julie or something.
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Angelina is beautiful. Doesn’t make me think of the actress immediately. I think of the ballerina. I used to love the show. I think I prefer Angelica, though.Now, Jolie is too Angelina. Even then it’s a fine name.
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Cute, glamorous. Better than Angela for sure. Angela and Angie are too dated for me. Angelina shortened to Lina, is cute. Or just on it's own. Jolie is fine, too saccharine to me.
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I like both Angelina & Jolie (not together though).I think I like Jolie a little bit more.
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Angelina is a pretty name! I'll think of the Ballerina Mouse forever, though. Not a bad association. Jolie I really don't like. I prefer Julie.
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Nice, not too Jolie
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