[Opinions] Alternatives to Willow/name suggestions request
Hi, it looks like my favourite girl name is being used by everyone I know who is having babies before me. I am probably a few years out from having my own, but I am curious for your suggestions. Here's my likes.I am very much into nature-inspired names:
WrenThere's a few nature names I like that I am not sure if they should really be given to a child (please advise):
Marigold (a fave)
Myrtle (because the Harry Potter character)
MapleOther names I like (some with nature-based meanings):
Zelda (this I won't use because of the video game association)Some more "out there" names I like but probably wouldn't be brave enough to give to a child (please advise):
Pommeline (nicknamed Pommie, which I do think is kind of cute)
Ianthe (Ione, Xanthe, and Ianthe with -ee sounding endings, like Penelope or Daphne, but I think people would have a hard time trying to read these names aloud)
Dot (perhaps as a nickname for Dorothea, but I think it's fun as a stand-alone name)
Pippa (won't use, but I like how it's cute)I am a little into names with first initials M, P, or I. I like kinda classic names but also stuff that's a little characterish/off-beat. My SO likes Kayla and Felicia (and especially Willow!). Kayla is not my taste, Felicia is ok but I wouldn't use it. Last name is a 2-syllable French noun word. The boy name we plan to go with is Henry. I can't make up my mind about a girl name since it seems every person I went to school with is naming their baby Willow. Please give me any suggestions or let me know which names on my list you like. Thanks
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Firstly, if you like willow and no one else in your family has used it yet, surely you can still use it unless its like your bff who used it.Willow- I've only known one and she was a little angel.
Fern- not a fan, I used to think it was cute but then I saw it used irl and immediately hated it. I prefer Lotus which i did meet irl once too and it felt much better.
Pearl- its alright, makes a cute middle name I think.
Juniper- people give it a lot of hate but I like it, mainly I think I absolutely adore Junie as a nickname.
Wren- hate it, sound and looks ugly. Even Sparrow is better.Marigold- I personally wouldn't pick it but I think its definitely usable and Mary is a sweet nickname if she thinks its too much, as long as Goldie doesn't catch on youre fine.
Poppy- not bad, very british
Prairie- makes me think of feral Chihuahuas and dust
Myrtle- I only think of a plank of wood and harry potter
Maple- alright I prefer Myrtle but not by much. Mabel is better than both imo.Sylvie- very common/on the rise right now. One of my teachers just had a girl named this. I don't hate it but Sylvester is so much cooler in general Also Silvestra / Sylvestra
Kara- very good name imo, holds up in many languages, ages well and sounds solid, easy to pronounce and read.
Annika- My absolute favourite off all your options, looks lovely, easily recognisable as a name, has many cute nickname options (Annie, Anka, Nikki, Inka)

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This message was edited 8/25/2021, 5:22 AM

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That's true, I probably could still use Willow if I really wanted to. Thank you for commenting your perspective on the names! I like your alternative suggestions like Lotus and Mabel. Mariposa is neat, I haven't heard that before.

This message was edited 8/25/2021, 10:12 PM

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Willow is really popular but unless it has been used by close friends or people you see all of the time, I think you could still use it.Willow - I used to love it, but I don't see the appeal anymore. I love willow trees, but the sound just makes me think of Will-o which sounds like a "cool" nickname for a guy called William, just like Jimbo or Stevo.
Fern - it doesn't work for me because it's the German word for "far away". But I guess it is cute and whimiscal in an English speaking country.
Pearl - I strongly dislike the sound. PUUUUURRRRL.
Juniper - sounds like you are saying Jennifer with a speech impediment. Sorry. The plant is not attractive and this really is a gigantic fad name.
Wren - okay, looks better than it sounds and it's also such a fad/hipster name.Marigold - this also seems to be rising but I think it's fine.
Poppy - I love the flower. As a name it is sort of cute but sort of ridiculous at the same time.
Prairie - this is bad. Makes me think of dry land and horse poo for some reason.
Myrtle - I like it.
Maple - kind of cute but also kind of weird.Sylvie - it's okay, prefer Ylvie (it comes from Ylva and means "she-wolf").
Kara - much prefer Cara which I like.
Annika - dislike, this was so common here in the 80s, 90s.
Maeve - ugly sound and really trendy. But I love Mae and May.
Opal - I like it in theory but it sounds ugly.
Thalia - pronunciation chaos. Would avoid. Otherwise nice.

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I appreciate your tough reviews of these names! Nice to hear your perspective. I like your suggestions Violet, Ivy, and Ruby. I have never heard the name Capucine before, reminds me of cappuccinos hahah. Thank you for your response.
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Love these Mythology name suggestions! Persephone, Phaedra, Eulalie. Not sure about using them for real but I like the taste. Rosanthe and Zephyra are cool, I've never heard of those before. Thanks.
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My suggestions:Adaline: I usually prefer Adeline, but I have a feeling you'd like the nickname Ada.
Alice: almost unbelievably pretty.
Amalthea: it's a bit much, but I love it so much, and Thea is very chic.
Astoria: over-elaborate, but starry, and fits in well with names like Daphne or Penelope.
Calliope: my favourite muse name. So underrated, but Callie does it a disservice.
Charlotte: sooo basic, but it reminds me of apples, so perhaps there's a tie with nature? And Lottie's cute.
Clio: I prefer Cleo, but Clio fits in better with your fondness of mythological names.
Coraline: fantastic book and film, and Cora makes a nice NN.
Evening: nicknamed Evie? Far from my usual style, but I'm liking it today.
Hazel: one of these names I liked before it was cool. So warm and autumnal.
Iris: it used to be one of my favourite names. Ticks off the natural and mythological boxes.
Ivy: so beautiful and inky that I don't mind its popularity.
Lark: if one is not tempted to go so far as Nightingale, Lark has nice connotations. Les Mis?
Lily: boring, but so pretty, and works with Henry.
Magdala: cool Agatha Christie association. Magdalen(e) and Magdalena could work too. Or Maud(e), if you're feeling bold.
Magnolia: NMS as I dislike Maggie, but how about Nola?
Margaret: I'm not too fond of it, but Peggy, Daisy, and even Pearl could work as nicknames, and it's just as buttoned-up as Henry.
Mary: I'm in the minority here, but I don't find it stale. It's no-nonsense, but warm and welcoming and earthy, and Polly deserves a comeback as a NN.
Rose: or Rosalind, Rosamund, Rosemary, Rosalie, etc.
Saoirse: too Irish and too Ronan? It sounds like a bubbling creek.
Violet: very common, but it's charming, timeless, and intelligent.
Zinnia: I'd love to see more of her! So fun and zippy.Marigold should be given to as many children as possible. It's beautiful and shimmering and golden and reminds me of sun showers and meadows.
I like Poppy, but I'd let her go. Apparently it means grandfather in US English, and it kind of feels like a cat's name.

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Thank you so much for all these great suggestions with comments! I read them to my SO, he likes Adaline (or maybe Avaline, but I like what you said how Ada is kinda cute). He said he liked Lily, which I think is cute/pretty but I agree is boring. I like a lot of these suggestions too like Charlotte/Lottie, Amalthea (really unique!) and Violet (I have never actually met a Violet IRL!). I appreciate the feedback on the names I posted too, Marigold is becoming one of my top faves, it's nice to see someone else thinks it's not too much as a given name. Pomona is cool too, and I didn't think but you're right Xanthia does sound like a birth control pill or something haha. Thanks so much :)
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I like Sylvie, Lucienne and Thalia from your list. In the UK Poppy is quite a common girls name, and Pippa could be a nickname for Philippa if you want something less cute as a full name.
Other nature themed suggestions:Amber
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Thank you for the feedback and names! I like Celeste, Delphine, Flora, June, Rue, Stella, and Violet :)

This message was edited 8/24/2021, 12:53 PM

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Do your kids’ names need to go with each other? Henry and Flora(Florence, Florencia, Florinda, Fiorella)
Henry and Dot(Dorothea, Dorinda)
Henry and Dalia
Henry and Perla(Henry and Pearl sound bad together)
Henry and Luna / Luana
Henry and Cassia
Henry and Elena
Henry and Malina
Henry and Linnea
Henry and LianaPippa is a nn, many P names could be used(if William can be Billy…).
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I don't think they 100% have to go together, but I feel like it would be fair so thank you for considering that. I love these suggestions! & I forgot about Luna! That's another favourite of mine. Thank you for mentioning it. Linnea, Flora, and Dalia are great :)

This message was edited 8/24/2021, 12:53 PM

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I like Pearl, Sylvie, Kara, Annika, Maeve, Daphne, Matilda, Xanthe, Felicia, Felicity, Penelope, Kayla, Kayley, Kaylyn, Heather, Holly, Brooke, April, Briohne, Evelyn Yvette Jasmine Lily Ruby Mae Olivene Phoebe Vanessa Cassandra Zoe Zara Chloe
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Thank you for the feedback! Briohne is really cool, is that another spelling of Bryony? And from this I like Ruby, Mae, Holly, and Phoebe.
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Yes Briohne same as Bryony. I just thought of Jacinda, Jacinta and Anthea
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Looks like we overlap a lot on our names!Here's a list of flowers, animals, gemstones, astronomy and otherwise nature-inspired names:Freesia, Raven, Amaryllis, Alyssa, AmberRuby, Jade, Jasper, River, Dawn, AuroraLuna, Mona (as in the Old English word for Moon)Violet, Andromeda, April, Marina, Lotus, AspenAstoria, Astrid, August, Autumn, Brooke, BrynnClover, Crystal, Heather, Ivy, Lavender, Melody,Harmony, Melanie, Ebony, Noelle, Natalie / NataliaMerope, Selene / Selena, Serena, Azalea, ZinniaBeryl, Cadence, Lyra, Celestine, Astra, Scarlet,Hazel, Heidi (as in reference to the fictional character - brings up a strong image of mountains)Olive / Olivia / Olivette, Chloe, Kiara, Kira, Coral, Dahlia

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Love these suggestions! My favourites are Ruby, Jade, Jasper (I think as a boy name though), Luna, Violet, Marina, August (still leans masculine for me), Ivy, Selene, Celestine, Heidi (love this!), Laurel, Opaline! Wilhemina is cool hahah but a little too much for me. Zanthia is cool too, I like that. Thank you for the names!

This message was edited 8/24/2021, 1:36 PM

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