[Opinions] Alexia
What are your opinions on Alexia?"You're a firework. Show your obstacles your brightest colors."-MeRate my name lists too!
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Alexia is a mental condition preventing people from learning to read, or it can be the loss of the ability to read. As such, it is the very last thing I'd wish on anybody. I suppose it could be considered a form of Alexandra, Alexandria, Alexa ... but really, why? Alexa is neater and tidier and has nothing to do with brain injuries.

This message was edited 9/12/2021, 12:19 AM

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There are many Alex- names I like more but this isn't my least favorite. I am indifferent to it I suppose.
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It's ok
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I think it is quite pretty. I definitely wouldn’t mind being named Alexia. (I have a very common name for a female born in the 80’s.)
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I despise it. It's a cognitive disorder. It also sounds bratty.
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