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[Opinions] Re: May/Mae
in reply to a message by Array
Mae Ophelia is great, and it's Our Only MAY Amelia, because I remember from like third grade when I read it that May named her baby sister Amy, because the letters were scrambled. Thanks, Array!
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Argh, that's it!I never actually read the book, but I know we own it somewhere, lol.I'm glad you like Mae Ophelia. I really like how all the vowels look in that, myself.Array

She had fallen against the windows, which were pressed against the windows, which were pressed against the old oak near across the age of the old Aunt Sophronia--was almost dreadful enough to walk on. A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
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Oh man, I love vowels, so Mae Ophelia is great. I just worry about the inevitable..."May/e Ophelia WHAT?" Ha.
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