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[Opinions] Re: Some Biblically-Based Female Names
Adah - I prefer it over Ada
Dinah - Pretty. I like it in theory, but in reality I'd never use it because it sounds like 'diner'.
Eve - Too short
Junia - I prefer it over June as long as it's pronounced Joo-nee-ah, and not Junior
Keturah- I love it
Keziah - I love Kezz-ee-ah, hate Kezz-ya, & Kezz-eye-ah is acceptable
Lydia - Too staid and aristocratic
Ophira - It's interesting, but I can't decide whether I like it or not
Penninah - definitely don't like it, too much like a male anatomy part
Sapphira - better than Sapphire
Susannah - best of all the Susan variations
Zelpha - sounds like a dog in pain
Zipporah - I'd love to see it used more often. Fresh and modern, yet would age well

This message was edited 10/24/2021, 1:45 PM

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