[Opinions] Mackenzie
What do you think of Mackenzie? How do you feel about it on a boy?_______________________________________________________
"It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves." - William Shakespeare
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I would first think of a girl, as I have heard of it on a girl more, but I have heard it on a boy and am okay with it, especial with the nickname Mack.
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It's so bratty. It's definitely better on a boy than on a girl, though. I detest "Kenzie," yecch.
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Even though its really popular, I can't take off any points for that - especially since it's not one of my most favorites. I can't necessarily be disappointed if I never wanted to name a kid that in the first place. I still like the name a bit. I tend to rate names kindly.
The Mack part says "I'm a man" and the Kenzie part says "I'm trying to be cute", and cuteness is more associated with girls (regardless of a male's cuteness).
So I think its unisex. And Kenzie is a nickname for both genders that comes from Mackenzie. If you split that down the middle, you get the same thing. Ken sounds manly, and Zie sounds girly.
I might prefer it on girls, but I would like to see more guys with it. Maybe they can make me change my mind. If others do, the name can remain unisex throughout history (many years from now), no matter how many others disagree: "Its for boys!" Vs. "All woman!" still continues, but...
Most people in 2050: "It's unisex, love it or hate it. Its kinda too late to deny it, after 1,000 girls have been named Mackenzie and 975 boys have been so far - this is only in March!" (The charts aren't confirmed until summer time, usually. I'm strictly to referring to U.S. data, as the popularity for women is primarily in the U.S., and its favored more for boys in the U.K.)
Mackenzie is a 6/10.
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It's all girl, to me.Maybe that's because of Mackenzie Phillips, though I never watched her show when I was growing up.Anyway, it's a girl's name. Never understood it when people say it's strictly for boys, because I have never met a single male Mackenzie, but whatever.
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I like it better on a boy, but I still don't love it
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Hi !!!I personally dislike surnames as given names but only because in my country they are not used at all (and their sound is very unattractive to use). If I were British or Australian etc... I would surely consider them as middle names especially if they are honouring (family surnames). I think that Mackenzie is unisex. I prefer it over all the variant spellings.

This message was edited 10/25/2021, 2:25 AM

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Fine on a boy if it's a family name. If it isn't, why bother?
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I absolutely loathe it for female usage.
For male usage I have no issues. I like the nickname Mac for it.
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Boy is better!Like it more on a boy!
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I prefer it for a girl, Mackenzie, is ok
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