[Opinions] Travis and Trevor
Wdyt and which is better? I don't like Travis and it reminds me of a country singer. Trevor is okay. How many do you know/knew? I just know one Trevor.
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I like both names. I used to love Travis, but now I just like it. I like Trevor more than several names ending in -or/er. So I guess Trevor beats Travis.
I have never met either one in real life. They are names that I heard enough on TV in order to recognize them as real names. They would be cute for twins, too. They both start with T, but they're not too identical. That's the charm that they have.

This message was edited 11/10/2021, 5:50 PM

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Travis is best imo, though Trevor isn't far behind imo. Some others you might like: Tucker, Clinton, Boone, Wyatt, Walker, Clayton, Beau, Knox, Nash, Milo, Arlo or Arlis

This message was edited 11/10/2021, 11:58 AM

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I prefer Travis and have like it for many years, though it comes from a British pronunciation of Travers. Trevor is Welsh and has a whole different meaning. Would be good twin names for a pair of boys.

This message was edited 11/8/2021, 9:53 PM

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I've always enjoyed Travis and would actually considered using it-though only as a potential middle name. I'm neutral towards Trevor. I feel that it's just a name that really just there. It's neither great nor bad. It always makes me think of Neville Longbottom's pet frog. "Trevor!" (:
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These names are very 80s to me. Trevor could be ok; I am pretty sure that it's one of those "RAF pilot" names from the original Beyond Jennifer & Jason book, so if I knew this was a British guy in the 20th century, I don't hate it. But if it's an American in the 21st century, it's either frat boy or country bumpkin to me. I'm sure those are positives for some people, but not for me. I don't think I've ever known a Travis or Trevor very well, just in passing, like a coworker or a friend's fleeting boyfriend. Wolfram Alpha says the most common age for an American named Trevor is 20 and the most common age for an American named Travis is 29. I would have guessed 40 for both.
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They both give me "will sell you a tractor" vibes. I have no evidence to back this up.
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Hi !!!I actually like both.
I don't know anyone with these names but I'd like to meet one.They give me a dynamic vibe.
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I like sound of Trevor better. But it's not by much. I don't know anyone named either.
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I knew a few Trevor's. I prefer Travis
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I've known a few Trevors, and I do quite like it but not enough to use. I've got a Travis nephew, with a Kieron brother: can't say I enjoy either name.
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