[Opinions] Ruth vs. Maude
Which would you choose for a daughter and why?How would you rate both names on a scale of 1-10? **After supposedly dying on January 30, 2007 after eating tainted pancakes, she returned several times as an angel and was revealed to be alive on May 17, 2011. )**
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I'm very 'marmite' when it comes to "old-fashioned" names and I'm not a HUGE fan of either of these. I definitely prefer Ruth thoughRuth: 6.5/10
Maude: 4.5/10
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I like Maud better than Maude; I've only ever known one, and she was excellent. She also went by her indigenous African name, but her friends sometimes called her Maud for fun.I love Ruth. I'd gladly use it. I was at school with three Ruth people, and now I know my good friend's daughter, Ruth Mary.Maud, or Maude: 6/10
Ruth: 8/10
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Ruth is really not that bad of a name. I guess the TH collects some dust but I've always liked the sound of it. I don't know any young Ruths. I know a GREAT old Ruth who is not much taller than 4 feet.I like Maude in theory, or for others, but for me the sound ain't it.Oh I do know a young RUTHIE and she is quite incredible.
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I'd definitely use Maude. It's sophisticated and spunky. A solid 8/10.I dislike Ruth immensely. It's too short, and strikes me as very religious - even more than Mary or Sarah, for some reason.
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Ruth, without a doubt. I’ve always liked this name a lot and find it very friendly and warm and cosy. I also love the biblical character Ruth, she has always been a favourite of mine. I’d give Ruth an 8/10 or 9/10, hard to say. Maude on the other hand is dowdy, frumpy and dated. The sound of it is unappealing to me too. I’d give it a 1/10.
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Ruth, 7 out of 10
Maud 1, very old lady
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Ruth is a 8.5/10.
Maude is a 2/10.Ruth is just very friendly, humble, and sweet. Maude... I don’t even know what to say about that.I’d probably pair it with Ruth Evangeline, or Ruth Octavia.
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They are both like...a wry spartan type of sophisticated. Ruth seems warmer, or richer, earthier? Maude seems brittle in a way Ruth is not but also airier...I guess I wouldn't mind naming a daughter Maude (would prefer Matilda "Maude", that just seems more complete), but somehow it seems like such a Gen Z name to me, like Maude should already be a cool teenager by now. She's more fun than Fern and more responsible than Olive. She's got a lot in common with Simone. I think I'd rather use Helga or Mildred than Maude.But anyway, I would use Ruth because I've got a couple personal connections to it, although I'd be a little reluctant to use it as a first name because I think it can be hard for kids to pronounce. Oh well.Maude Patience
Maude Regina
Maude Lilac
Maude Elmira
Maude PalomaRuth Simone
Ruth Valentina
Ruth Azalea
Ruth Zipporah
Ruth ShireenThey're both about a 7.

This message was edited 11/11/2021, 2:11 PM

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I do like them both, but I'd use Maude before Ruth. I admire Maude's Edwardian glamour-clunk and Ruth is juuuuuust a touch too conservative to keep my interest, although Ruthie and "Roo" are adorable options. For me, Maude's like a 9, Ruth is a 7.
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Ruth: 7
Maude: 5They're about the same but I just like Ruth betterRuth is versatile and timeless and more international
I've said this before (along with everything else I say lately) but I had a prof named Ruth in biology lab once and she was youngish and glamorous and totally changed my image of the name Ruth. It could seem stern and reserved, or breezy and witty. It could be Ruthie, half-ironically. It's like Rose but less pagan. It still seems a little square and antiquated but that just makes it interesting. Points off primarily because people don't like it, also for being bibley.Maude sounds ugly. Mawed. And it has a hipstery vibe I dislike, probably because of "Harold and Maude." But it's a decent name and despite being "ugly chic," which isn't my bag, it is also interestingly antiquated and square.
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Maud, I find Ruth harsh sounding.
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I like Maud (no e) because of the Tennyson poem. Ruth is okay.
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Ruth, for sure. She’s a little old fashioned, but still cute and spunky.Maude is a grouchy old lady with 100 cats and yells at everyone that walks too closely to her lawn. Maude is just ugly. Sounds like a gagging reflex. Ruth is not a favorite, by any means, but she’s about 5/10.
Maude is -10/10
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I like Maude better without the e, but I'd still pick it over Ruth. It feels a little... softer? That doesn't make sense, Ruth has an r and a th. I don't know. Ruth is ok but I like Maude more.
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Sorry, but I've never liked either name.Maude is a 5/10 and Ruth is a 4.5/10. Why? Well, for one thing, Maude sounds kind of like Claude, which sounds kind of like Clyde; neither of them sound feminine to me - but not masculine either. I prefer Maude to Ruth because it so dated that it sounds "new". There are many Ruths out there, according to the social security data, but hardly any Maudes these days. It would make an interesting middle name, I guess. I don't like Ruth because I generally don't like names that end in -th. I feel that's its kind of masculine, and yet, its not a good idea for a son. He'll probably hate it. Baby Ruth chocolate doesn't put me off of it at all. I actually like the chocolate. But it doesn't help my impression either. There's something strong about the name that I like. I'll move it up 5/10.Maude sounds delicate, which I kind of like as well. Maybe I'll move that up to 5.5/10.
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I honestly like both. They're both harsh, but they both have something that redeems them, though I can't put my finger on what it is for either name. I'll pick Ruth because it was my grandmother's name. I do like Ruth as a middle name for my favorite name, Susannah. Ruth Susannah doesn't flow as well, though. Hmm.. I'd name her Ruth Francesca. That's not expected. I'd rate Ruth a 7 and Maude a 6. For scale, I'd rate Raylyn a 1 and Elizabeth a 10.
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Ruth Francesca is an inspired combo, I love it.
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RuthBecause I dislike the spelling Maude, but I'd choose Maud over Ruth. Also, silly motivation, but Ruth reminds me of running up that hill by Kate Bush. Ruth 7.5/10 Maude 6.5/10.
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Ruth as I have loved the name Ruth for years.Maude on the other hand I always associate with books I read a child. The Worst Witch by Jill Murphy. Which were first published in the 1970s. Some of the main characters if I remember correctly wereMildred Hubble
Maud Spellbinder
Enid Nightshade
Ethel Hallow
Sybil Hallow
Miss Cackle
Miss HardbroomI don’t know if I will ever shake the witch connection.
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