[Opinions] WDYTO Nona?
Any strong opinions either way? Any associations? What would you use for a middle name? Thanks :)
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I like Nona but I like Anona better. It's the name of a Roman goddess of the harvest according to nameberry. It's also a paladrone. Nona or Nonie could be a nn. Anona Claire
Anona Elizabeth
Anona June
Anona Jane
Anona Joy
Anona Miriam
Anona Marguerite
Anona Ruth
Anona Rosalie
Anona Rosemarie
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I know a lady whose grandkids call her Nona. I can't see it as a real name.
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I named a beluga whale stuffed animal Nona once.
...so I guess I associate whale symbolism.I'm fond of it. I prefer it to Nina.I like Nonette and Nonita, as diminutives.Nona Claribel
Nona Delfina
Nona Lilac
Nona Rebecca
Nona Silvia
Nona Gwendolen
Nona Lorelei
Nona Ginevra
Nona Viviana
Nona Sigrid
Nona Charmion
Nona Melissa*
Nona SybilMaybe a double MN...
Nona Melissa Charmion
Nona Ginevra Lorelei
Nona Sybil Viviana
Nona Sigrid Lilac
Nona Gwendolen Silvia
Nona Claribel Rebecca
Nona Delfina Xenia

This message was edited 12/29/2021, 4:53 PM

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Nona is certainly an interesting name for a toy whale!I think these combos work well:
Nona Claribel
Nona Silvia
Nona Lorelei
Nona Sigrid
Nona Sybil and I also like Nona Sybil VivianaThanks :)
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Agree with previous posters, reminds me of a grandparent name. Though it is nice in it's own way if that can be overlooked
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To me it just sounds like somebody referring to their grandparent, but that has never stopped people with Poppy.
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Reminds me of a grandmother
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All I can think of is the literal meanings, 'grandma' or the number nine. I'm fine with other number names like Octavius, but perhaps that's because they are more embellished.

This message was edited 12/29/2021, 12:45 AM

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Would it shorten to No? What else could it shorten to? Generally speaking, it comes across as negative, though it would work well enough for the ninth daughter of people with short personal name lists! I'd give her a very familiar, non-Latin name, like Isabel, so that she'd have a less surprising option if she ever wanted one. Nona Isabel. Nona Poppy? Nona Nancy? Yeah, why not?

This message was edited 12/28/2021, 11:31 PM

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