[Opinions] Is anyone willing to dicuss the merits of Justine and Jolene?
Two names that sound alike. What do you like about them?
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I have a friend her name is Tracy Jolene LN. I like the name not sure I would ever use it unless I did it to honor my friend.I like the name Justine as only a MN. I went through a period when I was obsessed with the boy's name Justin. So, I wanted to use the girl's name Justina. Which I still like just not as much now.
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I like Justine, sort of. It was one of the first names I really ~loved.~ It seems so rarely used! I find it pretty and formal, like an updated Judith.Jolene isn't my style. There are names in that genre that I do like, but Jolene doesn't grab me. I don't dislike it, though.
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I like Justine in a low-key kind of way. I've known 2 and both are how I would imagine them to be. Type A personalities and soft spoken. One was a ballet dancer and the other a physical therapy student. It has a subtle grace to it. Jolene always makes me think of the Dolly Parton song and as such I associated it with adultery. Not ideal in a name.
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Don't really like either
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I really like Justine. It's very pretty and I like -een names.
Jolene reminds me of the song. For some reason, I'm not crazy about Jolene as a name.
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It's okay. I like for girl Justine because it's so very pretty and girly
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I'm not quite feeling Justine. It's an okay name though. To me it reads too much like Justin with an -e. It's also flows less well than Jolene which rolls of the tongue nicely. It's almost as if I trip over the -t- in the middle. The same-t- does lend Justine some severity and weight compared to gor example Josine which sounds similar, but both friendlier and flimsier.Jolene is lovely. Highly unusable if you would be bothered if everyone thinks about the song immediately. The Jo- and -lene parts balance each other out nicely.
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I don't like most -ine or -ene names, and Jolene is no exception. I just hear that whiney song in my head every time I see it, and I really wish it didn't happen.Justine is an exception to my no-ine rule. I dislike Justin for a boy, perhaps I just knew some unfortunate ones when it was popular. But Justine seems to shine and shimmer, and though I don't know why, I'm very happy that it does.
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Justine. Very beautiful name. I asume it means justice. Jolene beautiful, though i do not like the short form Jo.
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They both start with j and sound sort of similar, but they are very different in terms of the vibes/images they give off. Jolene is quite country, as most leen names tend to sound, and also because of the Dolly Parton song. It's not a bad name but it's very country.
Justine is elegant, to the point of being intimidating. Like a dominatrix, even, but not one in cheesy leather and fishnets. This Justine would be all dressed up in velvet and lace gloves and lots of diamonds. She wouldn't use a whip, she'd just use her voice and a meaningful look.
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I like Jolene, don’t like Justine.I love the way Jolene just rolls off the tongue.

This message was edited 1/28/2022, 7:11 PM

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