[Opinions] Need Advice For Characters
Hey all… I decided to make a BTN account after years of lurking around! I need advice — I’m working on a story and I’m struggling with character names. The genre is supernatural fiction — it deals with ghosts and other supernatural entities; however one of my main characters (Martin) is a regular Joe. I like his name, but I’ve been considering changing it. He’s a very timid, nervous person — and I think his name should reflect that. He’s also pretty plain and a bit uninteresting. If anyone has any ideas, please let me know! I’m fascinated by name meanings and I’m open to new, rarer names if you happen to come up with any. Thanks so much!
Edit: Thanks so much for the replies, I’ve got some ideas in the works now!

This message was edited 2/2/2022, 6:28 PM

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I love Martin! I can just imagine this shy, regular guy surrounded by supernatural chaos!
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I think Martin is a nice name and it fits the genre, but if you wish to change you can try using Baby Name Expert to find one. Also, what matters the most are the plot and character development. All the best!
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Thanks for their input, all! I’m still seeing Martin as a contender but I’ve also got some other names in mind as well.
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Yes I agree, a perfect choice
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I'm on team Martin, I think you picked the perfect name already
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Oh, thank you!
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I think Martin actually fits the bill nicely.
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Matt, Tim, Hamlin, Miller, Josh, Peter.
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Thanks so much! I will definitely keep these in mind.
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