[Opinions] Flora Tristan
Flora Tristan was a French-Peruvian socialist writer and activist. Her full name was Flore Celestine Thérèse Henriette Tristán y Moscoso. Thoughts on these names?masculine list: https://www.behindthename.com/pnl/191050/124079
feminine list: https://www.behindthename.com/pnl/191050/124080
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Not unusual for a French woman born in 1803. Much prefer Flora to the French Flore, but the other names are wonderful. Flora Tristan has a lot of style, IMO. I see that she was Paul Gauguin's grandmother ... cool!
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It's a bit much.
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I like Tristan
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I quite like Flora. I'd never use it, because I much prefer Florence (family name) and Laura.I'm not sure I like Flore. Her four given names flow surprisingly well. (I'm assuming that Tristán y Moscoso is a compound ln - is that right?
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medicinalFloratristan sounds like a prescription medicine. Like maybe for the flu.
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