[Opinions] Flora or Gaia?
Two different names, but which do you like more and why?
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FloraIt's a long time favourite, springlike, fresh, and surprisingly mature.
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Gaia with the GIE-a rather than GAY-a pronunciation could really grow on me, no nature puns intended. Flora is just a bit...eh...limp. And I like Florence well enough, but Flora makes me think of the kind of name a dairy cow might have, Flora, Daisy, Clover and Betsy, the girls. That kinda thing.
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Flora any day over Gaia. I don't like the three vowels in a row.

This message was edited 2/11/2022, 7:42 PM

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Flora. Gaia sounds too hippie-ish to me.
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I like Gaia and dislike Flora. Gaia is elegant but strong and earthy (duh!) and Flora was a brand of margarine when I was a kid (might still be around, no idea, don’t eat the stuff) plus I find it too wordy.
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Gaia. Both are okay.
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Flora by far. I’ve been really digging Flora lately. Gaia always feels a little like a hippy name. I’d expect the parents of a Gaia to be very “one with the earth” type people. Which isn’t a bad thing necessarily- it’s just the picture I have.
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Gaia, purely because I hate Flora so much.
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FloraFlora is cute, springy, and approachable.Gaia is firmer and robust. If Gay, the obvious nickname, was used primarily as a word that meant happy and carefree then I might like it. As it is, there is teasing potential there.
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Gaia sounds like a fem form of Guy and looks like an invitation to homophobes to make the same rude remarks for decades without stopping.That would appear to leave Flora. I wouldn't name my daughter after soft, spreadable margarine and anyway I much prefer Laura and Florence.So, neither of the above.
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I prefer the sound of Flora, but it's the number one margarine brand here so that's out.Gaia is still pretty, but I think Kaia has the softer sound.
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Don't like either
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