[Opinions] Angharad
I've been thinking about Angharad lately. What do you think of it, and how do you pronounce it?*******************Personal Name List:https://www.behindthename.com/pnl/187938Guilty Pleasure Name List:https://www.behindthename.com/pnl/187938/140061
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Don't like it
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The meaning is lovely but it doesn't look or sound nice to me at all.I guess it's AHN-nah-rad but not sure.My favorite Welsh name is Eilonwy.

This message was edited 3/2/2022, 12:58 PM

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I have met someone with with the name Angharad I also have a love of Welsh names. I really like Angharad and also Myfanwy but I’m not sure I could use either where I live at least not as first names but maybe as middle names.
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I want to like it. It’s very cool in many ways. But the sound makes me think of the stupid noises people make when they’re starting up a pretend chainsaw as a joke or pretending to take a big, dramatic bite of something.
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I've liked Angharad since hearing it as a character name in the movie How Green Was My Valley. It's pronounced "On har id" in the movie.
"On" like we say in the Southern US rhymes with Don, "har" like Harley
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It would be a great name for a character, but I don’t see it working in real life.
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I think it's enchanting and earthy. I pronounce it as it looks with an emphasis on the second syllable.
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I think the name is pronounced an-GAHR-ahd. While I like the name, I feel like a bearer outside of Wales would have people think her name begins with "anger." :-(
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I used this for my last D&D character. She was a barbarian and it suited her.
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Ang, like Hang without the H; har like the start of Harry (in British English); ad more like ud.I love the look, and if I lived in Wales I'd seriously consider using it. Not otherwise: I've got one Welsh ancestor going back to 1800, and that's too remote.
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After looking it up, I'm still not sure!
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