[Opinions] Not Enough Nelsons
I was looking somewhere I just so happened to subtle upon a family. A YouTube family, but a family. What do you think? These are their names:
Bruce “Benji” Edward Nelson II
Tiffany Kay Nelson
KennaDee Kay Nelson (Married to Chase Austin H.)
JourNee Michelle Nelson (Birthname Kukleva Ludmila Valentinova)
Bridger Alexander Nelson (Birthname Kuzovskin Vladimir Alexandrovich)
KassaDee Lee Nelson
Bruce “Trey” Edward Nelson III
JaineLee “Jaine” Nelson
LiLee Anne Nelson (Birthname: Lilly Anne)
SaiDee Faith Nelson (Birthname: Kenadie)
NayVee Grace Nelson
Luke Parker Nelson (Birthname Peyton)
PaisLee Jane Nelson
DeeLayNee June Nelson (Birthname KenLeigh)
PresLee Grace Nelson
ElleCee “Elle” Faith Nelson (Birthname Kelly)
Beckham Ryder Nelson (Birthname Tuff Knight (??))
Ledger Nike Nelson
Would you change their names?
Fun facts: Michelle is possibly spelled like Mechelle. JourNee got her name because her parents had to travel to adopt her. Her middle name, Michelle they thought means “angel” because her Mom thought she looked like an angel. LiLee changed the spelling from Lilly, but kept her middle name Anne she was 4. They had to change Kenadie because she already has a sister named KennaDee. KenLeigh’s birth name is a mixture of Lilly and Kenadie. For winning a challenge, Luke got to name his brother Ledger.
LiLee, SaiDee, Luke, ElleCee, and Beckham are all biological siblings. LiLee, Luke, and DeLayNee are also biological siblings. NayVee was the last to be adopted.
"It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves." - William Shakespeare

Bruce “Benji” Edward Nelson II
Tiffany Kay Nelson
KennaDee Kay Nelson (Married to Chase Austin H.)
JourNee Michelle Nelson (Birthname Kukleva Ludmila Valentinova)
Bridger Alexander Nelson (Birthname Kuzovskin Vladimir Alexandrovich)
KassaDee Lee Nelson
Bruce “Trey” Edward Nelson III
JaineLee “Jaine” Nelson
LiLee Anne Nelson (Birthname: Lilly Anne)
SaiDee Faith Nelson (Birthname: Kenadie)
NayVee Grace Nelson
Luke Parker Nelson (Birthname Peyton)
PaisLee Jane Nelson
DeeLayNee June Nelson (Birthname KenLeigh)
PresLee Grace Nelson
ElleCee “Elle” Faith Nelson (Birthname Kelly)
Beckham Ryder Nelson (Birthname Tuff Knight (??))
Ledger Nike Nelson
Would you change their names?
Fun facts: Michelle is possibly spelled like Mechelle. JourNee got her name because her parents had to travel to adopt her. Her middle name, Michelle they thought means “angel” because her Mom thought she looked like an angel. LiLee changed the spelling from Lilly, but kept her middle name Anne she was 4. They had to change Kenadie because she already has a sister named KennaDee. KenLeigh’s birth name is a mixture of Lilly and Kenadie. For winning a challenge, Luke got to name his brother Ledger.
LiLee, SaiDee, Luke, ElleCee, and Beckham are all biological siblings. LiLee, Luke, and DeLayNee are also biological siblings. NayVee was the last to be adopted.

If it's not bad enough for these kids that they're family bloggers, they're given these hideous names. People need to realize naming a kid is giving a person their own mame, not designing a personal brand or something. Blech.
I can’t stand all the rhyming and unnecessarily capitalized middle letters in the girl’s names. Some are way too similar for siblings, KennaDee and KassaDee, PaisLee and PresLee. I’m especially appalled at the extra unnecessary capital in DeeLayNee. I’m not a fan of the boy names, but they are much better than the girls, except Ledger Nike. That’s just awful. I suppose everything is better than Tuff Knight though. I’ve never seen a more butchered spelling of Elsie and where did the nickname Benji come from. KenLeigh would’ve fit right in if they spelled it KenLee. I’m surprised they didn’t change Kelly to KelLee. Lilly Anne should have kept the spelling. I’m horrified how they butchered lovely names like Lilly, Sadie and Delaney and what is up with JaineLee. That truly makes no sense to me. It gives me a headache to look at.
too many damn Nelsons ...
Kenleigh fits right in, I don't know why they bothered changing it.
How does Grandpa Bruce get to be Benjy? And why would a grown man want to be called Benjy?
I actually know someone whose son is a III and the family intended to call him Trey, but it just didn't take and he ended up Billy. Dad was Bill and Grandfather was Bill also.
Anything is better than Vladimir. Even though I had a doctor I really liked named Vladimir, now retired, it's still a villainous, sly kind of name. Putin is perfectly named.
I take it back: anything BUT Tuff Knight is better than Vladimir.
Kenleigh fits right in, I don't know why they bothered changing it.
How does Grandpa Bruce get to be Benjy? And why would a grown man want to be called Benjy?
I actually know someone whose son is a III and the family intended to call him Trey, but it just didn't take and he ended up Billy. Dad was Bill and Grandfather was Bill also.
Anything is better than Vladimir. Even though I had a doctor I really liked named Vladimir, now retired, it's still a villainous, sly kind of name. Putin is perfectly named.
I take it back: anything BUT Tuff Knight is better than Vladimir.
Luke Parker got incredibly lucky! I might be tempted to change a hypothetical adopted child's name, because, as someone who doesn't want children, naming them seems like the most pleasant part of parenthood. But doing it with older children would seem like robbing them of a significant part of their identity.
Even without looking them up I can say there is a very good chance this is an LDS (Mormon) family.
All of the capital letters in the middle reminds me of a woman I knew whose name was SuZanne. When she was born some lawyer friend of her parents told them it was really important to make their child's name "unique" in some way because they had a common surname like Smith, and so when they died it was possible that some other Suzanne Smith would show up and claim to be the heir mentioned in their will. I thought that was an amazingly paranoid bit of advice as I don't see that as a realistic worry.
I of course don't think this family had the same lawyer and just think they are being creative. Of course they'd never think of spelling a son's name as ParKer or BeckHam. :)
All of the capital letters in the middle reminds me of a woman I knew whose name was SuZanne. When she was born some lawyer friend of her parents told them it was really important to make their child's name "unique" in some way because they had a common surname like Smith, and so when they died it was possible that some other Suzanne Smith would show up and claim to be the heir mentioned in their will. I thought that was an amazingly paranoid bit of advice as I don't see that as a realistic worry.
I of course don't think this family had the same lawyer and just think they are being creative. Of course they'd never think of spelling a son's name as ParKer or BeckHam. :)
I was at school with a Suzanne Smit, and she never had a moment of trouble. (Smit is the Dutch and Afrikaans version of Smith, and just about as popular.) Nor did another school friend - Ann Jones.
Far be it from me to spoil their fun. Let them have the names they enjoy.
However, nothing in the known universe would persuade me that all those tediously repetitive eccentricies are even slightly worthwhile. I would not wish to go through life with the kind of name that would make people look at me, look at my name and look away.
However, nothing in the known universe would persuade me that all those tediously repetitive eccentricies are even slightly worthwhile. I would not wish to go through life with the kind of name that would make people look at me, look at my name and look away.