[Opinions] Harlan, Jolene
WDYT of Harlan?WDYT of Jolene?
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Harlan reminds me of the would-be rapist of Thelma, Geena Davis's character in Thelma and Louise. Jolene sounds quite pretty but not my style.

This message was edited 6/24/2022, 2:03 AM

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Harlan- last name that doesn’t work as a first name. Reminds me of Marlin, which is another name I find ugly.
Jolene- I like it a lot. It’s very old, but I think it’s still very stylish. Makes me think of Dolly Parton.
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I adore Jolene and can see the name coming back sometime in the near future. Harlan isn’t my cup of tea but still doesn’t surprise me.
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I think they are both extremely dated. The most obvious association with Jolene is, of course, the Dolly Parton song, and while I adore Dolly Parton, that song isn't exactly the most positive association with a name. There is another, more positive association for me, the former Rep. Jolene Unsoeld (D-WA), the "radical environmentalist" of the US Congress from 1989-95, but that's more obscure.I suppose a law fan could get away with naming their kid Harlan after Justice John Marshall Harlan; Harlan, the "Great Dissenter" of the United States Supreme Court from 1877-1911, was the lone voice against the Court's decision in Plessy v. Ferguson, which is a decent feather in his cap.Still though, it's a no for me on both.
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