[Opinions] Travis vs. Trevor
These are both names that I’ve loved forever. I can’t decide on which one that I prefer. Out of them, if you *had* to choose; do you prefer Travis or Trevor?Formerly, wheelbarrow4
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Trevor is nice. It’s just a nice sound, I don’t think it sounds super posh or old or anything.
Travis I don’t like. It just reminds me of trains for some reason and I can’t understand why.
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Travis seems more recent and therefore more likely to peak and then vanish; Trevor has been around for longer and probably seems dated but could well be due for a resurgence. I don't much like Trevor, but I really don't enjoy Travis at all.
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Trevor I guess, but I’m pretty neutral to both of them.
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Both are great names, but I prefer Travis. It is used more often where I live compared to Trevor, and I personally think the name sounds better and it is more likely for me to use it myself.
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I don’t like either one. Travis is overshadowed by unfortunate personal connections I have with it. Trevor isn’t too bad, so I’d go with that.
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I think I prefer Trevor, the syllables just flows very well to me.
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I like them both okay ... they're so similar, but so different.
Both have a slight retro-rock-star vibe. Dated of course but still seem pretty cool to me.
Trevor sounds British and artsy to me, it's kinda like Nigel or Robin or Jon.
Travis sounds vaguely Western-styled (I guess because Col. Travis).
Travis is a little more my style. I don't love making the two R sounds so close together in Trevor (in my accent). So I guess I'll go with Travis.
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There was a point in time where I felt like every baby boy I met was named Trevor. I don't think that reflected particularly broadly in US birth data, but it seemed so overused.Neither name sounds particularly appealing to me but I don't dislike either.I'd say that Trevor feels less dated than does Travis - Travis seems to have had its hey-day around the time I was born.So I'd probably go with Trevor? But I can't say I dislike Travis.
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