[Opinions] Jolene
Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, I'm begging of you please don't take my man...What do you think of Jolene? What would you use as a middle name?I know a Jolene who is 14/15. She wears it well, IMO.
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I also really like the Dolly Parton song! I know a girl my age who was named after that song.Jolene is a pretty and nice name. Usable and acceptable. I would prefer Marlene, but the J makes it jazzy and better than Darlene. So, Jolene is a lovely name.Jolene Elizabeth
Jolene Beatrix
Jolene Annabel
Jolene Eileithyia
Jolene Kristina
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I'm torn here.On the one hand, I think the sound is actually rather ugly and unfeminine. On top of that, I could only imagine how old it would be to get the song sung at you on the regular. (I will say, in 2014, I saw Miley Cyrus in concert, and she sang the song as a part of the show that featured covers - she sang that and an Arctic Monkeys song. In between the versus, Cyrus hurled profanity-laden insults at the fictional Jolene: "Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, F*** YOU YOU WH*RE!" That could possibly be more entertaining than Parton's more straight-laced version.)On the other hand, I have developed a great deal of admiration for former Rep. Jolene Unsoeld (D-WA), an undersung US congresswoman who served from 1989 to 1995. I think that admiration has endeared the name a bit to me.So... I'm not a fan. Though I have a bit of a soft spot for it, regardless.As far as middle names: I think it needs to be paired with something more traditionally feminine, maybe even girly: Jolene Ophelia, Jolene Katarina, Jolene Catherine, Jolene Alexandra, etc.

This message was edited 7/25/2022, 10:32 PM

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It's very country, possibly due to the song but also just because of the sounds. You'd expect Jolene to ride horseback and pitch hay and enter the Miss Teen Tomato Blossom pageant and have huge hair.
I for one would get very tired of having the song sung at me even just a few times. I'd get tired of having Roxanne sung at me if roxanne was my first rather than middle name. Even our daughter often gets "Valerie" sung at her now and then, though it doesn't seem to be as ubiquitous as other name songs. (I know someone whose name is very similar to Tom Dooley and he says he has been told to hang down his hed and cry several times.)
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I knew a Joleen once and it was so hard to get the song out of my head whenever I saw her. I can only imagine what it was like for her. Jolene Aurora
Jolene Cecilia
Jolene Eleanor
Jolene Susanna
Jolene SuzanneOkay, it’s hard to pair. It feels very no nonsense to me which makes me want to pair it with something frilly. I’d ultimately choose Jolene Aurora, I think.
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