[Opinions] Margery
WDYT of Margery?
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I prefer the Marjorie spelling.This is one of those names that I really like but could never see actually using. I always thought Marjorie Catherine, nickname Mary Kate, would be pretty.Alas, my primary association with the name these days is the nightmarish Marjorie Taylor Greene.

This message was edited 8/20/2022, 3:47 PM

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I prefer Marjorie too. This one seems cozier and more practical than Margery due to its popularity, and sounds less harsh than Margaret. I hope Marjorie makes a comeback soon, it has potential!
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I prefer Marjorie; my cousin married a very nice one. I'd be much more likely to use Margaret.
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Not that spelling, it's a bit too close to margarine, which the name already is kind of close to. I do sort of think Marjorie is cute in a grandmotherly kind of way, like Betty or Shirley but somehow just a touch more youthful.
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I have a Marjorie in my family. 2 on both sides actually. I think it’s a somewhat pretty name and I can see the appeal. An unusual and fresh youthful twist to Margaret. Which is still beautiful, but nobody really uses anymore.Marjorie Annette
Marjorie Helena
Marjorie Nicolette
Marjorie Vivienne
Marjorie Kira
Marjorie Soleil
Marjorie Luna
Marjorie Lilith
Marjorie Scarlet
Marjorie Diana
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I think it looks like the words "merger" and "imagery" combined together. I don't like it that much, but I think it's fine. I prefer Marjorie to Margery.
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