[Opinions] Flora
Thoughts on Flora?
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Love love love
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Sorry, I didn’t mean to make a second reply.

This message was edited 10/1/2022, 10:03 AM

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Flora is an absolutely beautiful name. I really like it.
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It’s very pretty and I kind of hope it goes back in style.
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I prefer Florence with the possible nickname Flora (not sure if I like Florence or Flora better), but it is nice.
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I adored this name when I was little, but the appeal wore off a few years ago. It sounded too frilly and I preferred Florence, Florrie, Fleur, Flo. However, recently it's started to grow on me again. It's cute and vintage and, well, floral, and I'd like to see it on a child today.
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A radiant classic that will continue to rise in popularity!
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Florence is a family name so I'd probably prefer it to Flora anyway. However, that nasty, slimy margarine is reason enough not to use Flora.
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Never used to like it, but it has certainly grown on me over the years. I find it really pretty now. Shame it’s also a very well known margarine brand :(
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Classic and elegant. I think I like Flora the most, compared to another names that means flower, like Fleur or Fflur. Nice name.
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Don't like it at all
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I think it's wonderful. My first association is Rembrandt's painting of his wife, Saskia, as Flora.
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